
I am going snow skiing in february in colorado, how will i be able to keep my glasses from fogging up?

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I am going snow skiing in february in colorado, how will i be able to keep my glasses from fogging up?




  1. spit on them ofcourse then wash them out sounds stupid but its true. i promise.

  2. Wayner was close. It is called Cat c**p(disgusting, I know!) It comes in a small red container with an attached cap. You dab your finger in it, it is fairly solid, and rub it on both the outside and inside of your glasses then polish with a Kleenex. I hope that you are talking about tinted glasses here, you do not want to wear regular glasses or you will go snow blind and that is very painful.

    You are talking Colorado in Feb. so I would recommend goggles that will fit over your glasses but read the label before puttting any anti-fogging agent on them. A lot of goggles now come with anti-fog and the other stuff just ruins them. I have screwed up two pair of Oakley's that way.

  3. I can't keep mine from fogging up unless I use Cat c**p. But no matter what I put on the glasses, if I wear them under the goggles they always fog up.

    I almost Never wear goggles and I find just wearing my glasses is usually long as I use de-fogger like Cat c**p.

    I recently bought new prescription sunglasses specifically for skiing. If you ski a lot, this might be another option. I still have to use the de-fogger, but it's better than my regular glasses and also better than goggles. Chances are you can get clip-on sunglasses that fit your regular glasses.

    Lastly...get some contacts. I went to my eye doctor last year and got some free sample lenses. They were good for 14 uses. That was enough to make it through the season. Since I mostly ski in my glasses, there was only four days last year where I needed to wear my goggles. The sample lenses did the trick.

  4. Outdoor stores sell special clothes with some oily substance on them that seems to work well.  These are manufactured by goggle makers for the same reason.  I also use "Car c**p", an oily substance to put on the lenses of sunglasses, goggles, etc.

  5. Ski faster.

  6. put them under your goggles


  7. baby shampoo...I know it works GREAT for SCUBA. It will probably work for that too. Just put on a small amount, rub it in vigorously and then rinse it gently off. Don't rinse it clean though.

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