
I am going snowmobiling for the first time. Any advice?

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Things I should bring, wear, or remember when snowmobiling.




  1. i would bring a tow rope incase the snowmobile breaks down..extra spark plugs and drinks and snacks and hand warmers are always good to have...also bring a cell phone and tell people where your going..turns may be icy when they look fine so use caution..i would wear a good pair of boots and gloves too.

  2. Cotton kills. Dont wear cotton.

    Always wear a helmet.

    Someone above me said to slow down on corners. If you have weak arms and legs that is true. But if you are strong you can stay at the same speed by keeping the inside ski to the corner down and by shifting all your weight to the inside. If you are off trail in powder....dont sit down. That is a ticket to getting stuck in the snow. The key is to shift your weight from side to side and the sled will do anything you want it to.

    This one is a personal pet peeve of mine. When you are riding and you are passing other sleds...hold out your hand and show how many more people in your group are behind you. This is the most annoying thing ever when you pass a few sleds and none show how many people are behind them. This is for safety precautions so you dont go flying around a corner and hit an on coming sled. Which brings me to my next point.

    On corners, stick to the RIGHT side of the road. It is terrifying to be going 50 mph around a corner and see a sled coming at you on your side of the trail.

    Be careful if you are in avalanche country.

    Always bring water, food, extra gloves, tow rope, flashlight, a tampon (yes you heard me...a tampon. In case you are stranded you can dip the tampon into the gas tank and have fuel to start a fire), a first aid kit, and it is wise to bring a shovel. Oh ya and bringing a whistle is smart too.

    And last but least, have fun!! Snowmobiling is common sense. Dont be stupid and you should be fine.

  3. don't crash

  4. Warm clothes.  If you have a ski suit, bring that, hat, scarf. goggles, heavy gloves, boots.  Don't let anyone drink and drive; don't drive over lakes, along railroad tracks or high line wires--there are guy wires that can be hit.  Have fun, but be careful.

  5. wear layers, and always have your neck covered.  wind burn is horrible.  when your riding, make sure to slow down when you turn because you dont want to flip.  snowmobiles dont stop as fast as you may be used to or expect.  other than that, hold on and go fast.

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