
I am going to Cancun Mexico next month. What should I take for money, do I use my debit card or travel checks?

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I have money saved up but have no idea what the best way to take it is. I have a debit card........ or do we need cash for shopping or for taxi's? Also do travelers checks work better then teh cash? There are two of us going about how much so we need for nothing while we are there?




  1. Use your debit card at only major locations (hotel, car rental, etc.)  I usually bring about $1000 cash depends on how hard you want to party!  Some resorts are all inclusive so you may only need money for going out on the town.  Plus, American money talks down there!  Make sure you know the current conversion rate so you don't get taken for a ride.

    Have fun!!  Viva Mejico

  2. Your going to have a problem with traveler's checks; almost no one will accept them. A credit/debit card is fine, but you do need pesos for taxis, buses, taco stands, etc, etc. Use the cash machines to get pesos. The machines give you the best rate for any given day, (see "jean a" above) and they are located every where in Cancun. Try to use as little American dollars, or Euros as possible. There's no point in flaunting your wealth, even when tipping.

  3. Dollars are widely accepted in Mexico, but you'll often get your change in Pesos, so it's good to know the exchange rate.  Don't carry large sums of cash, that's true no matter what country you're in; traveler's checks are better and make sure that they're insured against loss or theft.

    Depending on your credit/debit card you may be charged for currency conversion every time you use it; check with your bank to see what your rate is.  If it's reasonable, go that route.

    Can't tell you how much to bring, depends on how long you're there and what you want to do with your time.

    Have Fun!

  4. Take about $100US and about $200 in Mexican Pesos.

    Forget about travelers checks nobody will exchange them anymore.

    Use you debit card at local ATM's to get Pesos as you need them.

    Pay all big bills like hotels, car rentals with Visa, MC, Amex.

  5. In all my times there, I have found that the locals prefer American currency. Don't carry too much at a time though in case of robbery. Take travelers checks and most hotels and banks have an exchange for you. Make sure you check the exchange rate before you go. Remember this, they will exchange American money for Mexican money but not the reverse.

  6. unfortunately for you Cancun is like any other American city like SD or Florida kinda sort of really expensive, i would do this take around 300 dlls in cash (if you can exchange 2/3 in pesos because ppl there take dlls around 10 pesos / 1 dl when actually is around 11.05 or so u would thing is not a big difference but trust me on this one it is and it will especially if u saved for this and Ur paying 4 it, ppl will take them both u can pay taxis and shop and do the rest with your debit, by the way if you're planing in take traveler checks you better exchange them on the hotel i don't think any other person in Cancun will be happy to do it for you

  7. Many places will accept major credit cards, visa, mastercard etc, but you will also need real money in many places. Also beware that many places will not honor traveler checks.

  8. There are some exchange houses there, you can compare them to get the best exchange rate, but what I usually do is use the debit card, that way I get the rate from my bank which is better than paying in dollars in a restaurant or shop.

    If you go to street vendors or taxis they do not accept debit cards, you need cash, they can take dollars or pesos (the exchange house issue here), I recomend that, not travelers checks.

    There are many ATM machines, you can always take money when you need it.

  9. I wouldn't go to the bank on this, but just returned from Cozumel in June and ran short on cash and withdrew $100.00

    from an ATM and when I returned my bank account was debited $91.00!

  10. Do cash or credit, I don't usually ever bother with travelers checks, especially when you can use MC/Visa everywhere, but going to the markets, you'll want cash.  The hotel will exchange cash up to a certain amount every day.  And the almighty dollar is good for tipping...the american dollar is gold there.  So have some money exchanged for walking around and shopping, use your debit/credit at restaurants, and keep some american singles for tipping...

  11. Definitely take debit card. Get cash from ATM's NOT the bank or money exchanges. The exchange rates are much better through ATM's. We have a condo in the area and most business' prefer cash and in fact do not take travel checks. Have a great time! BTW: If you have time. visit Playa Del Carmen- it's a 'happening' place with lots of nightlife and great dining.

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