
I am going to China? Vegetarian available there?

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I am on a business trip to Shanghai & Guangzhou, China. Everybody say that it is hard to find vegetarian food there. I am a pure vegetarian and Can I survive with some good vegetarian dishes or noodles? I cant live with those china-fame snakes & frogs.




  1. Yes! Ive heard that some religions there are vegitarian. You'll be fine. Just ask around.

  2. dude of cause u will...u knw how many of them are buddhists

  3. buddy take some packets of corn flakes so that u can atlease fill in ur tummy coz i hope u will get many varieties of milk...

    there u will find vegetables if u r addicted to salad its fine..

    or u will get nonveg food that also dogs, cats n many more


    juss go online n search for vegetarians restaurants in china

  4. Well, I'm a vegan and I use vegan passport to communicate what I eat and don't eat. I ordered it here (UK site):

    As a longtime vegetarian, I know that in any Chinese restaurant you can request a vegetarian dish. None has refused my request so far. So don't worry too much. You'll be fine!

    And yes, HappyCow helps too, since going to a vegetarian-specialty restaurant is far more satisfying than its non-veggie counterpart.

    Good luck & happy veggin'!

  5. Edit for veggie:

    I dont eat MSG is  not wo bu yow wei jing, that mean I dont have MSG

    If you dont want MSG in your food, say qing bu fang wei jing


    There is some Chinese vegetarian dishes made from tofu, soy bean and mock duck

    Some of Chinese vegetarian dishes that I know are

    家常豆腐 ( home make tofu , very good, my teacher cooked for me once :D) -> jia  chang dou fu

    凉拌黄瓜 : cool cucumber salad ->liang kuai huang gua

    菠菜豆腐: spinach and tofu stir fried -> bo cai dou fu

    And there is a sweet bean base bun similar to Japanese mochi but I forgot what it is called in Chinese

    Usually, just tell the waitress/waiter that you are vegetarian and ask them if they can remove meat and substitute them with tofu or mock duck

    here is some useful term

    你有什么素菜 ?  ni you shen ma shu cai -> what vegetarian dish do you have?

    这个菜你  ÃƒÂ¥Ã‚Â¯Ã¤Â»Â¥ 把肉 换 成 豆腐吗?zhe ge cai  ke yi ba rou huan cheng tofu ma ? ->can you substitute the meat for tofu in this dish?

    can you substitute the meat for the tofu ?


    Don't be shock in Guang zhou. My teacher said people in guang zhou is famous for consume everything that is not human and furniture for food.

    chou tofu : stinky tofu is made from shrimp brine. Dont eat that . it sounds vegetarian but it isn't .

  6. Hey.

    Heres some useful information, resturants and other stuff that will help

    HappyCow's Useful Phrases for Vegetarian Travelers to China:

    I eat vegetarian: Wo chur su

    I do not want: Wo bu yow

    I do not want MSG: Wo bu yow wei-jing

    I do not eat meat: Wo bu chur rou

    I do not eat fish: Wo bu chur yu

    I do not eat egg: Wo bu chur dun


    Vegetarian Restaurants (you may want to write these down):

    Chong Zheng Natural Vegetarian

    450 Nanjing Road East 8th Floor (200001) (at next to NanJing Rd East metro station)


      Vegan-friendly, Chinese

    Has an English menu with pictures of food. Directions: A bit difficult to find - look for the street number and a sign in English "Vegetarian Restaurant 8th Floor." Note that it's Nanjing Road East (West has its own range of street numbers). In the vicinity of People's Square.

    Chunfeng Songyue Lou

    Chenghuang Temple, 23 Bailin Road


      Vegan-friendly, Chinese

    Founded in the Qin Dynasty, Songyue Lou follows an ancient vegetarian culture to serve up veggie favourites in Yuyuan.

    Gong De Lin

    445 Nanjing Rd West


      Vegan-friendly, Chinese, Take-out

    Eighty year-old restaurant with an extensive mockmeat menu, plus tasty cookies and desserts. Staff speaks little English, but some menu items are in English. Air-conditioned but smoking is allowed. NOTE: food might contain MSG - so ask. May be also known as "Godly."


    Health Food Stores:

    City Shop

    1F, West Side Citigrop Tower, 33, Hua Yuan Shiqiao Rd Lu Jia Zui,Pu Dong


    Part of a chain throughout Shanghai. Sells its own organic farm vegetables in addition to various imported products. Offers delivery. Accept credit cards.

    Reviews: write review        

    City Shop

    B101,Times Square, 99, Huai Hai Rd (M)


    Part of a chain throughout Shanghai. Sells its own organic farm vegetables in addition to various imported products. Offers delivery. Accept credit cards.

    Reviews: write review        

    City Shop

    Shanghai Centre 1376, Nan Jing Rd (West)


    Part of a chain throughout Shanghai. Sells its own organic farm vegetables in addition to various imported products. Offers delivery. Accept credit cards.

    Reviews: write review        


    Vegetarian Restaurants:

    Greenland Vegetarian Cafe

    86, Zhong Shan Avenue West


      Ovo, Lacto, Chinese, International

    Offers set lunch and dinner menus. Cash only.


    Shang s**+ Zhai

    38-42, 1/F, Jing h*i Lu, Yue Xie Qu (510180) (at Chung Shan Six Rd, Exit C, Xi Men Kou Metro Station)


      Vegan, Chinese

    Vegetarian restaurant open daily breakfast 7-10, lunch 1-15.30, dinner 16.30-21.28.

    Look here for more -

    Hope this helps and good luck!

  7. There is vegetarian food in every country.  There are not any countries that serve nothing but meat. I would like to visit that country though. Mmmmm... meaty.... You should really try some meat though. It won't hurt you, and Chinese will think you're crazy if you don't eat it. Contrary to popular beleif Buddhists are not all vegetarians, only a few skinny monks, and you won't meet them.

  8. Yes.  They do have vegetarian restaurant.  Because Taoists and Buddhists are vegetarian.  Just ask.

  9. Yes

    discuss my amazing brain

  10. you can just ask the people in china by using yahoo ans. or make a salad and pack it in your bag!!!!!!!!! or something

  11. For a long time meat had been scarce and only the wealthy could eat meat, so plenty of vegetable dishes have been made thatnks to that.  You'll ahve no trouble finding some.  especially Shanghai, that place has food from almost every province.

  12. go to

    they have a part where you can search for vegetarian restaurants anywhere in the world its awesome i owe th person that gave me it so much

  13. A friend spent time in China visiting a sister and her advice was to where a bracelet that Buddhists' where. It kinda tell everyone that you do not et meat, it's wooden and brownish if I remember  correctly.

  14. well just look through menus and if you see anything like "jade" it usually means it veggies .

  15. Come on, man, it's CHINA.  They're totally into vegetables.  I'm sure you can find vegetarian food there!  But maybe, just maybe, since there will be a language barrier, you should get it in your head that you will probably get some food with meat in it.  You can live with that for the trip, then flog yourself when you get home, because I fear you will spend all your time there trying to question people about what's in the food instead of doing your job and enjoying your trip.  Oh, and btw, if you don't obsess on what's in it, you might actually enjoy it more.

  16. there's a lot of vege food in china. don't worry. a lot of buddhists are vegetarian.

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