
I am going to D.F for ten days any advice?

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I am going to visit a girl i met this summer who lives in df for ten days in december.




  1. juss enjoy it, she will give u all the advice u need...juss b careful with ur walet

  2. Don't drive a car if you value your life... those people in Mexico D.F. are NUTS.

  3. my home is in DF ...  you are lucky for come here !!

    i hope that you have very funny holiday!!!!

    ........ if you can go to tha CENTER OF THE CITY is great !!

    and for some hotel you can check the trip advisor !!..

    the climate no is so COLD .. only in the morning but in the afthernoon became a little HOT.

    ... and one opinion : if you buy some for you is better if you pay whit : PESOS MEXICANOS is cheap ... because in dolars is mooooore expensive..


  4. For sure, go see the National Museum of Anthropology and the Ballet Folklorico of Mexico.  Take a suit for the ballet.

  5. Mexico City is geat in December, a little chilly though.  There are usually a lot of family holiday parties, so take advantage of the fact that you have a new friend there and that you'll get to experience a taste of real Mexican culture.  

    If you're looking to do some site seeing, take the full tour on the Turibus which will take you all over the cool parts of the city.  You can get on and off the bus where ever you want to spend some time to check out the sites.  In general, public transportation in Mexico is cheap and easy, but stick with the Metro or the MetroBus and try to avoid the street taxis.

    Don't miss the zocalo in the historical city center, especially during the holidays when they have it beautifully decorated.  There you can see the Templo Mayor, the main cathedral and the presedential palace with the Diego Rivera murals.  Just a few blocks away is the Palacio de Bellas Artes, a gorgeous art deco building where you can watch the Ballet Foclorico.

    To pick up some great Mexican crafts at a good price, head to the Ciudadela.  On Saturday, head to San Angel for the Bazar del Sabado.

    For good food, head to the Condesa neighborhood.  It's filled with all kinds of restaurants, cafes and bars (good nightlife scene too).

    If you want to get out of the city for a day, I'd recommend Tepotzlan (about one hour south), Teotihuacan (the pyramids about 1 hour away), or Xochimilco (which is still part of the city).

    Have a great trip and bring your camera!

  6. have fun!

    im pretty sure since the girl lives in el DF she knows all the spots for you to only advice would be if this is your first time over there prepare yourself for the millions that live there and dont drive if your not confident enough...other then that hit up all the clubs and check out concerts!

  7. Lots of things to do in Mexico City. I was there in July. It was awesome. Was there 5 days and it was not enough. I would leave my hotel in the morning and only return at night just to sleep. You should check out yahoo travels and look up TRIP PLANNER. They have lots things that other people have planned for their stay there . You can get some hints and Idea. I went on there and got a few for my trip that I did not even think of. It was a great help.

    Get a map of the city . A map of the Metro and try to use the buses when you can. Taxis are good but they start adding up.

    I used the red and white ones.

    Use caution and common sense when you are out there. Just think of it as new york it has its good and it has its bad.

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