
I am going to France tomorrow and i don't know any french...?

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can people give me words and meanings that i will need when i go?

or even i website to help me ou?




  1. Some words you may see on signs or doors

    Sortie - Exit

    Entree Entrance

    Poussez - Push

    Tirez - Pull

    ouvert / fermé - open / closed

    interdit - keep out or forbidden

    défense d'entrer -  do not enter

    hors service / en panne - out of service

    Some simple phrases

    s'il vous plaît - please

    merci - thank you

    Où se trouve... / Où est... ? - Where is...?

    Où est le WC ?  Where is the toilet?

    Je voudrais... I would like...

    Je voudrais celui-là - I want that one (when pointing at something)

    Combien coûte... ? - How much does ... cost?

    Je ne peux pas trouver... - I can't find....

    Je suis perdu. - I'm lost.

    Pouvez-vous m'aider ? - Can you help me?

    Au secours !/Aidez-moi ! -  Help!

    La note s'il vous plaît - the bill/check please

  2. As long as you know the basics:



    Au Revoir

    Bonne Journée

    Bonne Soirée

    S'il vous plaît, Parlez-vous anglais?

    It will go a long way.

    What the French do not like is, if you make absolutely no effort to speak just a small amount of French. Just a few basic words really does help.

    You may also find, too, that if you make an effort they will correct you and encourage you.

    Have a nice stay.

  3. Search for French Translators

    It should give you websites of English Words translated to French

  4. why dont you just buy a french phrase you stupid REDNECK

  5. I would recommend Rick Steves' small translation book you could study on the plane. It has key phrases and won't overwhelm you. The French appreciate your making an effort with their beautiful language.

  6. Buy a good city guide with helpful language tools in the back


  7. have fun. Like cool chick said, many French are also fluent in english, and a majority of signs and such are in english also. You shouldn't have too much trouble.  I've never been, but i did visit England and I went thru customs in Canada where the announcements in the airport alternated French then English.  You should be fine. but if there is something special you want to shop for then maybe you should look up the word for it so when you see it in a shop window you will know. If you don't already know the words for please, thank you and good morning it may help. I think They appreciate it when you try to use their language.

  8. Get a phrase book and practice practice practice.

  9. you wont be able to learn that fast anyways but ive been once and trust me its cool theres a lot of english there as well! its so much fun i hope you have a great time! wb when you go i want to know how it is! i loved it

  10. Some basic words:

    Pardon--  "excuse me"

    Un comme ca (angh come sah)-- one of those please (great for ordering pastries in a bakery

    Merci -- thank you

    Bonne journee -- good day (said when you are leaving a store)

    Entree Libre -- this sign on the store says that you can come in freely (without having to buy anything).

    Une sachet, s'il vous plait-- a bag, please (when buying groceries).

    If French ppl are willing to speak English, please speak slowly and don't make fun of their accents.  In the future, consider taking some French lessons (either at your local college or using a home study course from your bookstore).  A little French goes a long way and will help you enjoy your trips more.  You can also use French in Belgium and Switzerland.  Have a great trip and too get too stressed out.

  11. The french will pretend,but they know how to speak English

  12. You know you are asking a group of people who can barely type grammatically correct English, right???

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