
I am going to Germany in May, but I want to stay longer than 90 days allowed for US citizens. Can I do this?

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I will be staying with my girlfriend in Tuebingen.

I am applying to study in Germany, but might not know the results until after 90 days of living there.




  1. file a for a visa through the state department

  2. Tübingen is beautiful, and the University is great - you'll love it! :)

    And actually, you don't have to wait till October to apply for the student visa - in fact, I think that would be too late. You should have the visa a few weeks BEFORE university starts, so the rest of your paperwork can be processed.

    Here's the web page of Tübingen University that contains all the info for international students (in English):

    It also includes e-mail addresses and phone numbers of people you can call with your questions.

    Good luck! :)

  3. I'm not sure. Call or ask your local German embassy.

    We have so many Americans here in Germany (Military, Air Force) all that, I don't know how is the rules for people coming here and staying more than 90 days. Perhaps you need visa.

  4. I think you have to get a visa after you get there that allows you to stay longer.  I'm looking into the same thing.

  5. If you stay longer than 90 days in Germany, you need a visa. My advice is to contact the US Embassy in Berlin for more details and information, go to - you will get more & best help there.  Or contact the German Embassy in DC at:

    Greetings from Germany...

  6. As a former immigration officer in Germany, I can tell you the following: Yes, you can do this.

    A US-citizen doesn't need to apply for a student visa in the US, but can travel as a tourist to Germany and get the residency permit after arrival.

    This document below is from the University of Augsburg, but the rules in Tuebingen are the same. (Just substitute "visa" with "visa-free stay for 90 days" in the text, because you are a US-citizen.)

    Registering your stay is done at Bürgeramt in the Fruchtkasten building, Schmiedtorstrasse 4. The Fruchtkasten is also the place where the Ausländerbehörde is located. The Ausländerbehörde (foreigners office) is the place where you need to apply for a residency  permit after you registered your stay at Bürgeramt.

    It is important that you register your stay at Bürgeramt as soon as possible after your arrival in Tuebingen.

    For your residency permit the Ausländerbehörde will want proof that you can support yourself, usually a minimum income of 400 - 500 EUR per month. Your girlfriend or her parents should be able to provide you with a "Verpflichtungserklärung" if you do not have the money. ("Verpflichtungserklärung" means a legally binding declaration of liability for the length of your stay in Germany.) This will get you your residency permit.

    Also check these sites:

  7. yes, but you got to register!!! I did that!!

  8. Tüebingen. That's in the south west of Germany Near Stuttgart on the neckar river and its university was founded in 1477. To think there was no one except the native Indians in America then. the population of Tüebingen is 83,100 Oh yes about you're question i live just outside Lahr and i am English my wife is from Austria and we are doing just fine and dandy. So as long as you are not planning to claim unemployment benefit you should be OK


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