I am going this July! aHHHH I'm so excited but I have a few preguntas:
1) I don't eat any meat or cheese (I am a vegetarian) but I eat pretty much everything else (I still eat dairy, just not cheese). How easy/hard do you thinkwill this be? I will be staying with a host family.
2) I am going with a study abroad-type program for high schoolers, so there def. will be other teens, but I really want to meet local kids...?
3) Is this going to be freaking AWESOME or what?
4) What is the general population of Guanajuato, Guanajuato like? Young? Old? Mexican? Extranjeros? Etc?
5) What is the weather usually like in July? Rainy? Dry? Sunny? Hot? Warm? Awesome? Etc?
6) How much Spanish do you think I can learn in 1 month??
7) Just tell me things! I am soooooooooo excited really if you know ANYTHING at all please go ahead tell me! Even if it's random (especially if it's random!) :-p
muchaaaaaaaas grax por ayudarme!!!!! :-p