
I am going to Israel, but I am Nervous?

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I am Iranian. My best friend is Israeli, and every year he travels there to see his family, and whatnot. We have political differences, but who cares about that.. I wanna see Jerusalem, the history, and Israelis are the nicest people in my town (California). I've heard if you are Iranian, or anything other than Israeli/American, you have to go through a long security/paperwork process that could take days to weeks before you enter into Israel? Can someone explain this or am I being paranoid?




  1. terrorist jews will attack you and say you where a terrorist

  2. Mostly people who look suspicious get checked more briefly...

    Don't worry about the security's all going to be fine..

    But, far as I know (Israeli citizen) arabs/muslims do get "searched" more and stuff..

    I even have a short story.. I'm going on this Palestine/Arab & Israeli Jewish Delagation to Germany, and the counselours told us (the jews) that we have to come really early because the arabs are going through a longer security process..and we don't want it to delay our flight..

    Ohh well... I guess it's just because Israel wants to be extra careful..I mean after all , there are various security problems here..

    Just don't be nervous..everything's going to be fine. Just say the truth,and everything will be okay.

    Have a great and safe trip in Israel ;).

  3. wear as little clothes as is decent and have light luggage!  lolol!!

    And smile a lot!  

  4. you have nothing to be nervous about.

    as other guys &gals here mentioned you might get asked a few questions but that is for safety reasons (yours too) don't worry about it.all foreigners go through that.

    people will be friendly to you no matter where you come from.

    (i'm half iranian myself) :)

  5. of course you have to take some paperwork  because if they let just any one into Israel there wouldn't be an Israel and if your american it will be a little easier and if you end up going i hope you have a nice experience i did (I'm Jewish ) i went 2 years ago for my brother's bar mitzvah it was really nice but you will probably go to different places than i did i went to kever rochel, the kotel, a tour through all  of Israel, i was going to go to something called mini Israel or something but it rained , and a lot of other places and if you go don't tell a lot of Israelis you Iranian they might not like you so anyways it might be a little harder than Americans to go but easier than people from other countrys because you're also american  

  6. are you an american citizen or iranian citizen...i dont think you should have a long as your paper work is legit

  7. Dont worry at all.

    The worst thing that will happen is that they will question you at security for an extra 5 minutes.

    This happened to one of my christian friends and he was fine.

    As long as you have nothing to hide your be fine :D

    Enjoy Israel.

  8. When you give the lady your passport don't tell her that you are Iranian unless she asks ofcourse.

    I think that you will be ok, American passports are ok and not raise a red flag, however, if she asks you if you are Iranian you have to tell the true and then maybe they will investigate you alittle, but no worry.

    You born in Iran and left? how? you came to America and married an American woman? (out of intrest)

  9. you will love israel, israel is a great place lots to do and see, people are very friendly as well.

    you shouldnt have problems with your american passport, just have handy some contacts numbers and an address to where you will be staying (they might ask you)

    dont worry about the security, they have to do their job, at the end of the day its to protect the citizens and tourists like you from attacks.

    its so nice to see an iranian that isnt against israel and has a few nice things to say about the people.

    enjoy your trip, have fun

  10. You are being paranoid.  Doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

  11. the best thing to do is to ask the israel embassy

  12. A valium will help....

  13. I am confused that you are claiming both Iranian and American status.  It is my understanding that people switch back/forth with allies only and Iran is not an ally (my father did it with Britain once but he was born in America) and dual status is only to Israelis.  My passport says American born in California so is that what you are saying?  That your American passport says born in Iran but now you are American (went thru naturalization) or you're here on a work visa?  You don't have answer these questions, I am just showing the complexity of it all.

    I really second the statement for you to go to Israeli embassy and arrange your travel as this seems more complex than what can be handled on YA.  With that being said, I do think that having some sort of connection to America would speed up the process for you with the most direct relationship to America being the easiest and quickest way of entry.

    Just consider the paperwork like government paperwork some have more and some have less and Israel has the tightest security it helps Israelis that live there and the tourists that visit there stay safe.  

    Once in Israel and thru the security process,  I wouldn't hide the fact that you are Iranian (you would be paranoid to do so) and you will blend as Iranian-Persian with any Sephardic or Arab Israeli or Palestinian Arab so no worry on that most will welcome you as Iranian like they would any other person.  

    The effort you put out in the beginning is worth the reward you get for a trip that you will remember forever.  Have fun with your friend, enjoy your trip, and feel free to explore any religious site in Jerusalem you are more than welcome to do so.

  14. if you have an american passport then you should be fine.

    I just got back from a month in Israel

    it was unbelievable, have an amazing time.

  15. The jews are always accusing me of many things, simply because I know how their simple minds work.

    So I'll do something else here.

    Google/Yahoo! - search, this:

    Most dangerous travel destination

    (Don't cheat awrite?no hacks or meta-scripts, no filters too)

    OK just for fun, read an idiot's answer. It's some jew from israelinsider.

    In his "epilogue" he says:

    "Fear, power, jealousy. That's why almost 60% of Europe calls Israel the greatest threat to world security."

    How can you stand yourselves, you people?


  16. is it possible to hold both iranian and american citizenship? i think not. anyway yes there's security but if you're not a terrorist you have nothing to worry about.

  17. Be calm as a bomb and no 1 should give u any trouble.

  18. I don't work at the embassy or anything but If your an American citizen I don't think you should have a problem.

    Since your also Iranian you might have to go through a longer process for safety purposes but once you get the paperwork you should be good to go.

    Don't be paranoid, if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to worry about.

    Btw, I met some Iranian Americans a few days ago, they work in a Kosher restaurant, they are really nice people.

    Have fun in Israel

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