
I am going to Mexico and i need to get my host family a present what should i get?

by Guest63541  |  earlier

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I want it to be something that represents our culture... any suggestions?




  1. I would suggest some spices that they may not have that are exclusive to America (assuming your American) such as Montreal Steak Seaoning & Mrs. Dash The wife should really enjoy these spices since most Mexican families are traditional (the father is the head of the house hold type thing...).  You also may consider American brand quality products. I live in San Antonio & the holidays are packed with native Mexicans coming over the border to purchase American clothes, shoes, bags... What happens is they save their money all year long & come over to visit family & enjoy the tax free savings for them. If you know the age of each family member get each one a gift that is age realated. Lastly a lil American flag not made in China lol!

  2. Hi, I am Mexican, and I thought I would answer your question from my side, I mean, what I would like to receive for my family as a gift, even though I am sure that almost anything would be greatly appreciated.

    First of all, do you know your host family? If you don't, I would definitely abstain from giving cash, some people can find it offensive (my family included, I wouldn't accept it). Also, even though I agree with the pp who said many Mexicans go shopping in the U.S., some things, such as clothing are too personal to give if you are not very well acquainted.

    On the other hand, in the U.S. you can get a lot of home decor items for a lot less than what you can get here at a nice shop, so maybe that's a way to go, like with a nice vase, a bathroom set (maybe even with towels to match). Those things in Mexico can be quite expensive. Roger is right, don't buy a figurine of the Statue of Liberty.

    So, you're from California... how about a bottle of California wine (there are pretty fine wines from there) and wine glasses (even cheap ones) all set in a nice looking gift? You can add a jigsaw puzzle with scenery from California if you know there are kids in the family...

  3. A book on California history at the time of dons with a bit of cash inside. Cash in always welcome.

  4. What culture are you from? Hard to respond with out knowing. English, American, Australian, Poland?

  5. What is your culture?

  6. How about an american flag. or some american food i guess!

  7. Hello.

    I'm mexican too.

    So, I have an answer from here, our point of view.

    As Maty said, don't give money (it is offensive, always), if the family are relatives to you clothes are fine, but not if they are not; however, some shirts or sweters (dependig onthe weather of where they live) are good gift.

    Figurines are uglys. Books could be okay, if the family you are visiting likes reading (unfortunatelly, not many mexicans like read).

    For children, it is easy: toys are alway fine.

    I would really appreciate a good californian red wine, better if the gift includes glass. Maty said that too, and I agree. But it depends where are you going to be. Mexican families are differents from one area to another, and if you are going to a poor zone or to a zone with internet acces (as ourselves).

  8. Green card........Lol I couldnt resist um how bout something from a sports team of your city (ex. Bulls stuff or Bears stuff if you live around Chicago)

  9. English tea - Earl grey

  10. Without knowing where you are from, how do I answer? Pick something that your area is famous for. A nice photo that represents the area would be good. A poster sized photo. Then have it framed while you are here and present it as a gift.

    It will also depend on the level of affluence of your host family. If they are wealthy with a very nice home, a tiny statue of the Statue of Liberty might be a bit cheesy. If they are middle class, it will be easier. But ANYTHING that is serious and offered with respect and appreciation should be accepted graciously.

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