
I am going to Mexico in May. What form of money should I bring?

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I don't know if I should bring all cash or credit cards. If I bring cash do i need to convert my money when i get there or do they except american money. I am going to Cancun, so if anyone has been and has ANY helpful advice please do tell! thanks




  1. You can use credit card at major retailers. Take US dollars. They take them in tourist destinations like Cancun.

    However, I would advise you, when you get there, exchange SOME of your money for mexican pesos. I have been to Mexico several times, and I have realized that I can do more with 1000 pesos than with its equivalent in US dollars. If you pay stuff with pesos, it is cheaper. Not a lot, but after spending several hundred dollars, it makes a difference. For example, I asked a taxicab driver how much he charged me for a trip to the airport. It was either 20 US dollars, or 200 pesos, which is 18.81 US dollars. You save $1.19. I know, it doesn't look like a lot, but it adds up, especially on the last day of your vacation when you are checking if you still have enough money to buy that beautiful unique souvenir you just found.

  2. Bring your ATM card and get pesos out as needed so you  do not have to carry much at a time.  Best to pay in pesos...saves you money.

  3. Cancun is a Tourist destination so most Hotels, Restaurants and stores take dollars but that is not really smart to do in all cases, right now our economy is not doing well and dollar has change a lot, people used to be happy to accept dollars before but now not so much because it continues to go down.

    You should put the money for your trip in a credit card, one that you can use as a credit card and cash card, as soon as you get there you can take some money out from a cash machine ( it will automatically give you pesos, at a bank's exchange ) this will be better as you will get what the dollar is worth when you do it and is better than just try to pay dollars in different bussiness at different rates.

    I would advise you to pay everything you can with your credit card, which they accept everywhere and just have some cash for souvenirs and emergencies.

  4. well in cancun you can take your american money there should be like a bank and theyll give you the money into pesos.You can take a master card,bank of america card and youll be able to use it!!!

  5. It depends how long you plan to stay for and what you're going to do there. If you won't be there for too long (less than a week) and you want to do touristy things, hang out on the beach, etc., you shouldn't have a problem just using American money. I was in Cozumel for 2 days and everyone accepted American dollars with no complaints. You may find that prices are listed in pesos - it's usually about 12 pesos to the dollar. The only thing is, if you don't convert your currency, they may not give you a great exchange rate - they may charge you the equivalent of 10 pesos per dollar, for example.

  6. Any "tourist" area plus many many many more places accept USD. Be up to date on your math though, some will try to rip you on the conversion.  Most will have prices posted in peso and USD.

  7. In Cancun and other tourist areas, I'm sure they'll accept USD but if not you mgiht have go to the bank to convert the American money to pesos.

  8. US cash...if you have euros, go to any bank for the exchange.

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