
I am going to Rio on 8/02/08 good or bad?

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I am going to Rio on 8/02/08 good or bad?




  1. It is not summer there at that time, but it is the rainy season.  

    hard to say if it is good or bad for you - not knowing what your plans are.  But I wouldn't mind going there at that time.  It is not peak season for tourists so you should be able to find some good rates and less crowds at the various sights/events.

    I might suggest hitting the beaches, sugar loaf, corcovado, maracana (see a futebol game if possible), street fairs are fun, go to the churrascarias, etc.

    Have fun!

  2. Great, i would love to go there.

  3. Depends very much on your expectations and what you enjoy. I found Rio a bit of a dissappointment, as it was a rather average city, surrounded by the slums of course (lots of poverty) with fairly average tourist spots (Redentor and Pau de Acucar/Sugarloaf). Also I don't enjoy beaches that are backed onto by building after building after building, I much prefer a natural beach backed onto by architecturally suited housing, or ideally something natural. I don't enjoy the typical tourist stuff though, and if I ever go there again I would try and see a bit more of the unusual stuff that residents would recommend.

  4. Is it Feb 8th or Aug 2nd? (because here in brazil we usually put date/month/year)... nwayz

    Rio is soo beautiful...  but just be carefull... dont walk around showing off your camera, avoid caring bags big backpacks, and pockets full of dollars... exchang them before you leave the hotel... pay everything in R$ (reais), so you wont be overcharged... brazilian money its like aprox.  US$1 to R$ 2.

    If its Feb 8th - OMG! soooo hot! depending where are you from, you'll find kinda difficult on the first days... here in sao paulo its hot, but not as hot as in Rio! prepare to take 3 cold showers a day....

    And it will be what they cal high season, so Rio will be packed! full of tourists, because feb. is the month of Carnaval...  

    If you like to party, drums sound and half naked gorgeous women, YOU WILL LOVE IT!

    If its Aug. 2nd - Winter... but the winter in Rio its not cold... still hot... but kinda rains a lot.

    since its winter, it will be much easier to walk around, find a spot to chill in Copacabana beach, no long lines to get a cold beer....

    In the winter, still have half naked women, so YOU'LL LOVE IT TOO!

    So... enjoy your trip! i hope you have fun!!!

  5. i think its best if you give me your ticket, i wouldnt want you to be dissapointed. :)

  6. Lucky thing! Take me with you! lol

  7. August in Rio is NOT summer.  Brazil is south of the equator which means August falls in late winter/early spring in Rio.  This is a lovely time to go, though it may be a bit chilly depending on your temp tolerance for water.  I lived in Rio and Angra for a year and enjoyed watching the ladies bundle up in fur and leather at the slightest dip to 70 degrees F.  It is still very enjoyable and the beach will be less crowded, but busy none the less.  

    Take every safety tip you are given to heart and put it in to good practice.  Rio is lovely but should be enjoyed with your wits about you at all times.

    beijos e abrazos...

  8. Of course VERY GOOD!!!

  9. it´s the peak of summer man, be ready for some really hot weather.

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