
I am going to South Africa alone, any safe tips?

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I am a single woman traveling to South Africa, I will spend a few days in Cape Town then I'll head to Kruger Park. I will be with a guided tour most times ( so other people along) but I will be basically alone.

I know S. A. is quite dangerous. I will stay in good hotels anyway. Any safe tips?

And should I undergo a malaria preventive treatment? I am going there in September.




  1. I'd still  take malaria preventive treatment even though September isn't really the season in which malaria is around.

    Always have some form of protection with you preferably a pen knife and pepper spray. Your a woman and travelling to a very dangerous and not to mention foreign country!! Make sure you don't have expensive valuables on you like jewellery! Also make sure you have a cell phone (mobile) with you! Number one rule of all keep your eye out and never trust anybody!!



  2. no fear, we are a stable country with a nation of loving people who would like all your possesions, your money and anything else what you may have, jokes aside its not so bad here, visit us and enjoy ur stay with us, its a very varied country, love it, most of us do.

  3. Watch out for organ sellers and AIDS.

  4. why go if you do not feel safe

    regards x kitti x


  6. why would u go by yourself.

  7. Oh god ... 6 people frm my school are going south africa n i might be one of them ... i never knew it was so dangerouse

  8. Hello Maja. Come to S.A. and have fun. Don't be put off by bullet-proof vests and similar rubish. Travel in S.A. is very safe in conducted groups who know where NOT to take you.

    Peekaboo offered some sound advice about not  walking alone especially after dark and avoid dim areas as you would in any large city.  

    Malaria is not a factor except in low-lying climatic areas like Mpumalanga and Kruger Park but being winter the incidence of being bitten by a Malaria-infected  Anopholese Female Mosquito is hugely reduced but take the precautions anyway. No need to worry about almost anywhere else in S.A.

  9. Hi there!

    No need to worry about Malaria in CPT, but you should definitely take precaution in the Kruger Park. As most guided tours are done by South African Natives, you will be advised what to look out for regarding safety.

    As for  "That Guy" up there... I don't know where you get your info from, BUT YOU SUCK AT GIVING CORRECT ADVICE DUDE!

  10. Hire a body guard. I know that most restaurants have ARMED valets because carjacking is such a big thing.

    you know that invention where they fit a car with flamethrowers under the doors? That was developed because of SA. Beautiful place destroyed because of crime an corruption.

  11. You don't need to worry about malaria in Cape Town but you do for the Kruger Park (depending on which part of it you're going to).

    Drinking tap water is also generally safe.

    Try to avoid walking alone in the streets at night, don't carry around large amounts of money at any time or try to attract attention to yourself. Lock valuables in the safe provided at hotels (theres usually one in each room).

    Try to avoid isolated places.

    Avoid minibus 'taxis' at all costs.

    That said, SA is a great place, and if you're responsible you will have a great time.

  12. Nobody can offer you any assurances on safety. South Africans live in the most luxurious self-imposed Prisons in the World. Crime happens everywhere at anytime no matter what precautions you take and nowhere is safe. Cape Town is South Africa's most violent City and there have been numerous attacks on Tourists in around the Kruger Park. The rating of your Hotel makes no difference as again there have been numerous reported attacks on Tourists in their Hotels. There was one recently where a Dutch woman was raped in her room.Table Mountain in particular is most unsafe and dont believe all that baloney about Tour guides knowing where to take you. The South African Tourist Industry,particularly the Cape based con artists, will lie through their teeth and tell you anything you want to hear just to get their hands on your currency. They are struggling like h**l with constant cancellations from North American and European citizens so take anything they say with a bucket of salt. As far as precautions go:

    -Get your luggage wrapped before you leave otherwise it will be looted at the Airport upon arrival.

    -Keep valuables like i-pods,mobiles etc on you.

    - Do not declare large sums of money you may be carrying to Customs Officials. They work in syndicate with criminals outside and phone them to follow and rob you.

    - Never venture into the main CBD of ANY City after dark and never leave the main drags during daylight.

    - Always have someone with you when you are out and about and be very careful for the con artists begging for money.

    - Never,ever go into a Township no matter what the Tour Operator tells you - remember they are liars interested only in your money. There have been reported cases of bus loads of Tourists robbed in Townships and Township restaurants at gunpoint.

    Be very, very vigilant in South Africa and if you make it through your holiday buy the T-shirt at the Airport on the way home " I survived South Africa 2008."

  13. Dont go out at night alone, have a great time and enjoy yourself. I do it every year , and i have never had a problem

  14. you'll be fine if you don't walk around quiet places at night in the middle of town. In the city centre there's car guards everywhere, so that helps. so just take cabs if you going far from the hotel, and you'll be fine. Best to not take too much cash on you at any time and you'll be fine, seriously. Also try not to look too much like a dumb tourist hehe

  15. Have you prepared your last will and testament? Have you taken out a large life insurance policy? Have you thought about hiring a bodyguard as a traveling companion?


    Don't visit Soweto

    Get all your shots

    Drink bottled water

    Carry a can of disinfectant spray for lavatories.

    Bon Voyage!!

  16. September is not a common season for malaria. However, anti-malaria pills are advised. Do not be alone outside during the night and early hrs like 5am mainly wondering on the streets. Study a map. When you walk or drive in the city be observant, that no one is following you. Do not look paranoid.  Protect your cards and do not withdraw a lot at the same time.

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