
I am going to a camp i need some pranks can anyone help me to find some good pranks?

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our leader said we needed more pranksters and we want to do something that is good but wont get us in to much trouble




  1. dude this is a great one me and my buddies took a canoe an hung it from a flag pole try it on the last night and wait till morning (dont get caught)

  2. you can get a lot of bugs and put them on the people when they are asleep

  3. When Your roommates are taking a shower flush the toilet

  4. The hand in warm water trick,

    Pants people.

    if 2 people share a bed then push them together and make them hug each other.

    If you really desperate for a prank then just draw genitalia on their faces. (you'll probably get in trouble)

  5. saran wrap people to the bed and put kool-aid powder in the shower heads. haha

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