
I am going to a horse show what should I expect at this horse show cause it is my first one?

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I love horses and I have always wanted to do the hunter jumper but I don't know if my horse can jump a jump that high cause I think that the jumps are at least two feet tall so could you tell me what to do to get my horse ready for it, it is at the end of the month




  1. Start taking him over jumps that are 2 ft high to prepare him also do a lot of backing up it strengthins the hind quarters therefore giving him more strength to push off the ground with!

  2. Expect to see some horses

  3. Alright, my first horse show (i've been doing this about 6 years now) was kind of crazy.  My trainer just threw me in the schooling ring and was like go hack her (my mare).  If it is an a-rated (big) show try and stay out of the schooling ring, find a nice quiet place to hack, then you and the horse can relax.  But if you do go into the schooling ring to warm up for your class then make sure to call out "inside or outside" when you are passing or near another horse.  Make sure to not let your horse have lose reins until you know how it is going to react.  Once you are in the ring it is a breeze, everything disappears.... its an escape and adrenaline rush.  Try looking at your course a few minutes before you warm up the warm up and go back and review the course, it helps when you have already seen it twice when going into the ring.... Good Luck! you will do great im sure! :-)

    As far as the horse goes, ear plugs are another good idea... with all the sounds and stuff.  Most horses can easily jump 2' (im guessing you are doing long stirrup since thats usually the class)... anyways if your scared just start out with a cross rail as always then make the cross rails higher and higher, and honestly you can make the center of a cross rail 2', see how he does, then make it a vertical 2' jump.  He should be fine

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