
I am going to an interview but am stuck on the question "What are your weakness? can someone help me out?

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Your weak and Strong points"




  1. Say, "I'm a perfectionist"...stuff that has a positive spin on it.

  2. Usually you can take ideas from your friends and family. What do they compliment you on? Is it your stylish handmade jewelry? And maybe your ability to take charge in an emergency? Or even that you jog every morning? Then your strong point are that you are creative, calm under pressure, and athletic.

    And what does your family tease you about? "You are such a control-freak!" "Will you wait just a minute?!" and "Chill out!" translate to your weaknesses as that you can be bossy, impatient, and aggressive.

    But remember when you are being interviewed, during strengths, don't brag about yourself, and during weaknesses, don't tell them something that you can't completely turn around. For example, "I'm selfish" doesn't really provide much room for improvement except "I'm trying to think about other people" but if you say "I can be bossy" you can also add "but when I'm in check, I am a good leader." Another tip is to only give one more strength than weakness, or keep them balanced. It shows that you are well rounded. But if they give you are number ("Give me one strength and one weakness"), then follow their directions.

    To sum it up, think of compliments for strengths, teasing or even insults for weaknesses, and keep it balanced. Good luck with your interview!

  3. you can say" sure everybody in this life  has strong and weakness points and for me i think it is ( food  or chocolate)"!!!!!!!!!

  4. for your weakness, you cant say an actual weakness like "laziness".

    it has to be a good weakness like "perfectionist."  This could be a weakness because iit may hold you back if ur always trying to get things right and what not. But they will see it as a good weakness, not one that will cause trouble at work.

    your strong points are for you to know. Just mention what your good qualities are.

  5. Yuck, hate that question.  People will tell you to turn your weakness into a strength or some c**p like that.  Like I'm a perfectionist so I always like to get things done right the first time.  I think employers can see right through that, and I don't know why they ask such a dumb question.  Here's what I plan on saying:

    "I don't have a specific weakness that I can think of.  I think everyone has room for improvement in whatever area that may be, whether in your personal life or your professional life.  When I first started at XX company, I didn't know anything about MS Office (or put whatever you want), but I taught myself the programs and now co workers ask me for help in it."

    Think of something you didn't know anything about at first, but eventually you learned it.  

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