
I am going to an unacredited nursing school in nc. Will this effect me getting a job outside NC?

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I am going to an unaccredited nursing school in NC. My school has the top pass rate in the area and we have more clinical hours than any community college or 4 year school in the state. I know that I will have no trouble getting a job in my area, but I was wondering if I was going to have any trouble getting a job outside of North Carolina when I move. My school is able to take the NCLEX for sure.




  1. You might have a hard time because your school is unaccredited. A schools accreditation is the schools way of proving that their education is good. A school with no accreditation, isn't worth anything.

  2. Yes.... and No. My wife had to look into the same thing. She found out that it was just up to the emloyer.

  3. I would hate to be wrong, but I'll tell you what I'm pretty sure is correct..

    If you are getting your RN, you will take boards, and upon passing you will be a Registered Nurse. (speaking of, I highly recommend taking a NCLEX review course, it helped me tremendously). Anyway, if you move and if you do not have a multistate license, I think you just have to take and pass boards in whatever state you move to. I'd ask your professors to make sure.

  4. I live in NC, my first question is what unaccredited school are you attending, that has a top passing rate.

    My next question is are you going to get a NC license in nursing.  If so that will help you tremendously b/c you will have a multi-state compact license.  If you test for the NCLEX and pass you won't have to take it again, you may have to apply for license in a state that is not a compact state.  The NCLEX is a national exam not a state, so everyone takes the same exam no matter where they live.  If you have a compact state license you won't have to apply for a new license in a compact state.

    If your school is non-accredited by the NLNC then you may find some hospitals that won't hire you as a new grad.  However if you pass the NCLEX some places won't care where you went to school because you have a license, you will just have to find those places.  

    I know in my area of NC, Excelsior is not an accredited school by the state and some major hospital systems won't hire new grads fom that school, but if you go somewhere and have a few years of experience no one in their right mind can turn you down.

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