
I am going to bali and need some help!!!!!!?

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I am going to Bali to attend a wedding i was wondering how much other people have taken for spending money for 12 days for eating shopping and massages :) thank you so much i go in 3 weeks




  1. eating and drinking can be cheap it all depends on ur lvl of food u want , i ussually eat and drink for around 10 $ a day

    in shopping try to bargain it can save u alot if u do it well start to bargain with atleast 30% off  

  2. If you are an Aussie, then you will need about $1,500 to have a really good holiday. my husband and I took $1500 and we had a good time and had money left over.  one australian dollar is about 8,000 indonesian rupiah,this fluctuates and go to authorised money changers, they are every where, when shopping,getting massages etc bargain with the shop keepers to get better price, balinese have a morning price and afternoon price, only pay what you think the product is worth and what you want to pay if they don't budge then walk away. if you eat out at cafe 's and restaurant's remember to look for where there are a lot of people dining, this indicates good food for reasonable price ( there is also tax added to the bill ) only use blue cabs  - they are metered, you can also hire a driver for the day to take you to Ubud, Tanalot Temple, Sanur etc - bargain a price with him. there are supermarkets where you can buy drinks and foods to take to your room that way you dont have a bill using the in room bar fridge.

    Hope this info helps, enjoy your holiday in the island of the god, temples and peace  - they call Bali  

  3. If you're in tight budget perhaps this site can help you Many choices for cheap accommodations and cheap tour packages to enjoy Bali less than $1500 for 3 weeks.

  4. Well, it depends to the what kind of places you'll go.

    In Bali, for the standard food, the price starts from (let's say) 25,000 rupiah. (1us$ around 9,500 rupiah).

    And if you want to look for something better, of course the price will be higher. It could be starts from 50,000 - 200,000 rupiah (and sometimes more). And again, it depends to the place you'll take to have a meal, is it a good & expensive place, such as: Hard Rock Cafe, KuDeTa, etc or will it be only a common resto.

    For massage, as i know it starts from (around) 50,000 rupiah as the cheapest to (maybe) 500,000-1,000,000 rupiah (maybe). If you'll a massage at The Ritz Carlton Bali, then i'm sure it's gonna be very expensive.

    For my opinion, you can think about the worst, so u can spare more money for your visit to Bali. Let's say 500,000 to 1,500,000 (for the maximum) per day. (But i think it's gonna be less than 1,500,000 rupiah per day). And don't forget to calculate for the price for transportation.

    Hope this can help :)

  5. Why don't you ask the people who invited you? I'm sure they'd know.

  6. I went to Bali last year. I want to help you give the basic cost there, there are many options to arrange the cost:

    - 3 star hotel = USD 30

    - taxi = USD 22

    - food = USD 10


    - 5 STAR HOTEL = USD 60

    - CAR = USD 55

    - food = 22

    Shopping, dining and other services are besically very cheap in bali compared to other places in asia.

    Have a great holiday in bali.

  7. Let say you will spend USD 100 per day, so that will be USD 2,000 per 2 weeks. Ha ha ha, bad math ;p Do spend your money in Bali :) :) I think that amount should be sufficient if you won't be staying in a very luxurious hotel.

  8. I went to Bali last july and I just spend about 2 million Rupiahs for a week... I don't do shopping a lot, I just shopped for some jeans and clothing plus spent some money for clubbing...the food prices around 25.000 rupiahs and more...

    if you're in the tight budget, I suggest you to stay in poppies lane, you could get room for 250,000 for 2 person (including AC and breakfast) and you could get cheaper than that

    for breakfast or lunch, if you don't want fine dinning, you could eat in circle K daily, in front of kuta could get a big size of tuna sandwiches and drink for only less than 20.000 rupiahs

  9. Make it simple for your calculation, I was there 2 months ago.

    1 USD = IDR 9,100

    Room charges / night ( 2 peoples ) cost you average IDR 500,000 / night.

    Rental Car ( Family Car ) cost you about IDR 350,000 / day

    Gasoline about 15 litres a day or IDR 90,000 ( Car )

    Rental Motorbike cost you about IDR 100,000 / day

    Gasoline about 2 litres a day or IDR 12.000 / day ( motorbike )

    Breakfast - Free

    Lunch - about 25,000 / persons ( simple food )

    Dinner - about 25,000 / persons ( simple food )

    Or if you like to have great dinner cost you about IDR 300,000 - 500,000 / couples / family.

    Sportwater activity cost you vary from 60,000 for parasailing / persons , 250,000 for glass bottom boat / boat,  jetski 150,000 / 15 minutes / person, banana boat 50,000 / person / round, ETC

    Masages it depends for the area at hotel will cost you about 500,000 / 1.5 hours / person, but for feet reflextion about 75,000 / 1 hour / person.

    Tours - you can drive by your self and ticket entrance it will vary starting from 10,000 / person

    Shopping - Depends of what you purchase - Some cloth will cost you about 100,000 / pcs

    On top of that please bargain as much you can....

    hope it may helping you

    Enjoy your trip

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