
I am going to be a freshman tomorrow, any tips?

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I am super nervous. Do you have any tips for freshman on High School and how to get over the nerves? Thanks a ton!




  1. You should remember that it won't be tooo different from middle school. I know when I started I thought it'd be like TV where there's a big difference between seniors and freshman and the seniors are bullies. In my experience, they just ignore Freshman. You should be excited and remember that high school grades matter a lot more than middle school. These grades will affect what college you get into and so have an impact on your future.  

  2. Wow, you are really starting school early, I don't start for like another month! And don't sweat about it, everyone was a freshman at sometime, so just be yourself and relax. But I'm going to warn you, expect a ton of immaturity.

  3. Just be yourself, try not to get to close to people, before those people might pretend to be your find, and they are really fake. my advice to you , is just to stay in school do you work and all is good,. when you try to put your friends and boys in between your work you in troublel, because either your grades are going to drop, or you will end up loosing a friend. just be yourself, dont portray yourself as somebody your not, keep a smile, be kind, and most importantly respect yourself and others around, because if you dont respect yourself or others there not going to respect YOU :) Good luck with SCHOOL TOMORROW, BE EXCITED YOU MADE IT TO HIGHSCHOOL :)

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