
I am going to be a senior in high school and I don't know what to major in college. Any suggestions?

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I was thinnking being a doctor in dermatology, or being a physician assistant in whatever, or something in the health/science field. I know its not easy but I want to make a lot of money too. Any suggestions on which colleges are right for me? I got a 1580 on my SAT out of 2400 but my gpa is 3.6 and I take advanced placement classes. Thanks




  1. You did not mention scholarships etc.  but based on the information you have provided .... you are no slouch.   Ask yourself a few leading questions     What have my marks been like in the classes I have completed to date?  Where do my personal interests lie?  Therein lies your answer.  Off topic slightly - Money is important but job satisfaction is going to earn you more in the long run.

  2. if thats what u really want to do then yeah go for it ....... nothings worst than majoring in sumthing u dont want to do......

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