
I am going to be starting high school next month i am black male what will i be facing.?

by Guest57100  |  earlier

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I am going to be starting high school next month i am black male what will i be facing.?




  1. Same things as everybody else probably.


  3. high school is not scary...i just finished my freshman yr

    & the only thing that will help u is 2 stay away 4rm drama.dont b afraid 2 b come friends w/ upperclassmen b/c @ school they're really nice although they do look down on freshman @ times.just have fun b/c u'll notice that high school goes by fast

  4. alot of homework

    just cause ur black, doesnt necessarily mean you will be picked on because of your race.

  5. First things first, the media has a bad interpretation of high school. On TV you see bullies and awful stuff going on. So when I was about to go into highschool I was a little scared just because I didnt know what to expect. But its not anything near as awful as that. At my school, there are about 600 people there. The blacks arent discriminated or anything. The 'rednecks' get the most heat where I am.

    Also, I thought freshmen would get picked on alot. But thats not really true either. Youre in classes with other grades, and sometimes you dont even know what grade everyone else is in.

    Just hang out with the right people and you will be fine.

  6. Depends on the school.. the area.. the times.

    You will a small fish in a huge ocean. You will be invisible to all the people you think you shouldnt be and only those who you wish to not notice you will do so.

    You will Hate it and love it.

    If nothing else.. You will look back at your high school times as just about the best time of your life for most of your adult life. You will have a choice.. but you wont notice it.. to enjoy all of it, the goods and bads. But you will be so caught up in the moment that you wont notice that your going to the biggest show most people will ever go to. High School.

    You wont face segregation or the national guard having to walk you onto and off of campus. You also wont feel completely safe from some mad bomber or crazed shooter that could be the kid sitting next to you. You will enter the halls of this new school and look like and be treated like a tourist. Its ok.. because next year you will be the local, passing on last years treatment onto the new black kid entering the new high school halls who is wondering.. what will i be facing here.

    Good luck.. and try really really hard to enjoy every second of it.

  7. (o.0)

    um. well you won't be the only guy or the only black person if that's what you are asking...unless you go to an all girls school....but..that may be difficult.

    I mean I'm a white female that goes to a prodominetly black & hispanic school...43% black 50% hispanic 7% other (native american, indian, asian, pacific islanders, white).

    Trust's not that bad being an outcast if thats what you think you're going to face

  8. hey as long as your comfortable in your own skin, then you'll be fine.

  9. its no big deal... dont worry about it...

  10. grown children.

  11. In my town there aren't many black people, (it's a mountain town in the West) so out of the 2,000 that go to my high school probably less than 50 are black. Everyone at my school wants to be friends with them and get to know them though. I wouldn't worry. High School is not bad at all. I'm a senior next year and I was so scared of my first day as a freshman, but it was so fun and the upper clasmen don't even pay attention to you anyways, unless your black and than thir like, come chill with us!

  12. That depends so much on your school that I don't think that anyone here can help you.

  13. it really depends on your school and the relationship you have with all your other classmates. just be yourself and not try to be someone else and now a days it doesn't matter if you are black white or any other race unless you make it a big deal or something like that. (if you get what i mean with that) also u will be facing high school life most ppl say the best times of your life and some say the worst its how you make it to be. good luck with high school!!!

  14. Loads of homework:(

  15. why does it matter if your blacK??


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