
I am going to be travelling to Colombia, and wanted to know if anyone has been, and if it is safe?

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I live in Mexico, and am an American. So I speak fluent Spanish and have a business here in Mexico. I have heard that 2 of the fastest growing economies in the world are South Korea and Colombia. I am thinking of opening a store in Colombia with a new partner. He has a home in Colombia and came up with the idea as an investor after seeing my store here. I own a leather company and he wants to fly me to Colombia to show me all the great cities and work out a business proposition to open another store there. I am a little nervous about going and wanted to know what peoples experiences and thought are. I live in Mexico, so I know all about living in a place that is known to be dangerous, but normally is not. And I wonder if Colombia is the same. Any thoughts or ideas?




  1. I am married to a Colombian and travel to Pasto (in Narino) frequently.  It's beautiful and pretty safe and getting more so all the time.  They make great leather goods there.  Cattle ranching and dairy farming are important in that department.

    Doing business may require the same patience and care that you exercise in Mexico.  Most Latin countries do not have the same rule of law as the US, and bureaucrats and police are very underpaid.

  2. Hi, I´m Colombian and I have been in bogota many many many times, IT IS A SAVE CITY with wonderful places, all of the problems in Colombia occurs in the tropical rain forest or small towns controlled by Las Farc but cities like Bogota, Medellin or Cartagena are very safe. Colombia, with president Uribe is geting better each day and more companies are doing inversions here. Although i think Bogota is not the best city in Colombia for industries and companies as there is a lot of competition there, I think (although there are some frontier problems with Venezuela) that Cucuta is the best city for that right now, Cucuta is changing from a small town into a great city, two comercial centers were recently opened here.

    Good luck!





  4. its cool cause shakira is from ther and she is hot.

  5. I hate to point out the obvious, but you didn't mention if you feel comfortable with the guy who is proposing to take you there?  I am assuming you have checked him out or have a long-standing relationship with him?  People have given you great advice about the country (I have not been) but to me, there is a red flag with the guy who wants to take you there.  

    I am not being paranoid and don't want to put fear where it doesn't belong; but I am a volunteer spokesperson for human trafficking, and there are red flags all over this situation.  Forgive me if this is a mute point and you trust this guy; but if you don't know him, PLEASE think about this, and don't go alone.  If you are female, don't go.  Plain and simple.  Even if you're male, it happens to men too.  Again, I don't know your situation, but from what little information you gave us, I would just be cautious.  With Columbia being known for kidnapping, and with nearly 1 million people PER YEAR worldwide being kidnapped and sold into slavery, I just think you should do your homework.  And really, don't go alone!  

    Good luck!

  6. Vivo en Colombia, y tengo muchos amigos mexicanos que viven aqui. A todos les encanta y nunca me ha pasado nada. No es peligroso en las ciudades ni en la mayoria del pais, pero es ovio que uno no deberia salir ssolo por la calle con un ipod a las 12 por que te pueden atracar, pero solo te quitan las cosas nunca hacen nada. Igual, he vivido aca toda la vida y estoy bien y nunca he visto nada malo. Es totalmente seguro y en bogota hay muchos negocios y a todos les va muy bien, especialmente ropa y restaurantes.

  7. I lived in Panama which tended to be dangerous at times. My family is also fluent and we passed off as cubans when needed. So speaking fluent spanish is a plus. However my Mom goes there each year to hold a conference in Bogota and says that things there are still dangerous. If you know people they should be able to feel out the situation and keep you safe. However they also readily admit that kidnapping is #2 (only to drugs) on the money making list. Just be safe!

  8. Colombia has improved considerably in terms of security.

    Cartagena is still the mosrt visited city, and it is worth the while staying there at least a week.

    As for investment, now is the time. For the first time in 30 years, the country's GDP has gone up to 7.2% (DANE)

    Leather is a very common export too.  Cities like Medellin and Cali are leaders when it comes to leather goods, but I believe that it's in Bogota where you get the highest profits due to the weather and the amount of foreigners residing there.

  9. Bogota


    Santa marta

    San gil

  10. Colombia can be dangerous if you go to Choco for example. There are SOME cities controlled by Las Farc and others. However, Bogota - with 8 million people - has less crime than New York City.  Cali -right now - is probably the least stable, Medellin is a great place. Cartagena, Barranquilla, Santa Marta, Villavicencio are all safe, also. Your host will know where to go and not to go. Dont flash a lot of cash. Be smart and to Colombians, you WILL have an accent readily identifiable as Mexican. Use common sense and you will be fine.

  11. well, i am not gonna be mean, but honest, right now, mexico is the same, or if not more dangerous then colombia, colombia has changed a lot, its way more safe, cleaner and prettier, people are less scared of going there, i am colombian, and i can gurantee you that u'll be safe, stay in high areas that are safe. dont wear jewerly so you are more safe, and just be sure that you will be safe, you'll be ok, and i bet you will like colombia a lot.

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