
I am going to bed now do any of you dream ? and can I have ?

by  |  earlier

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All your various stories, I like finding out if I have ever had the same kind of dream




  1. i dream of moving to england and living there in all it's beauty, to someday have a great british guy to fall in love with.

  2. I Dream About Various Things. Guys Who I Like In A More Than Friends Way. I Dream About Helping People, Which Is What I Do, I'm A Physcologist. I dream of a babysitter i once had many years ago when i was a child, she disturbed me.

  3. dirty toilets, strange isn't it.

  4. I was givin a banana gun & the detenator from the batman film, we had to shoot the other side of the class at the class mates.

    Not hiting them directly but movin them further & further back, almost like a war game.

    To fire the gun, I had to blow in it, until the bubble gum bubble appeared.

    Then I had to pop it!!

    I fired at the computer, it crashed.

    One of my weird class mates (alex thornton) was unconscious.

    As I turned behind me, there was a clock on the wall.

    It was Mr Ball.

    However this clock, was the same clock I’d wanted to draw in art.!

    My old food tech teacher Miss Unsworth was there.

    Sepperating the two sides of the classroom was a long red wire.

    Which gave me a small electrical shock!!

    This is were my dream changed….

    I was in a science lab and was givin the toca phone!

    I was at home, sitting on the sofa,

    for some reason, there was a baby gate in the door way.

    A large black & white collie dog jumped over it and rested it’s teeth in my dog’s neck.

    Yet again my dream changed…

    I was near glenburn

    the joker was there

    as was rex off big brother

    a girl with blonde hair was pushed down the cliff.

    The end!!

    The dream-- interpreted.

    1. Mr Ball bein a clock - He’s an art teacher & I wanted to draw a clock from the display for my coursework.

    2. The red Wire-  my internet conextion

    3. The joker & detenator - I’m obsessed with the film!

    4. The phone & science lab. - my last lesson was in the science lab, & I really wanted that phone!

    5. Rex & the cliff- rex Is off big brother. The cliff off casualty

    6. The war game - I had discussed war films with kirstie the day before

    7. The bubble gum- I ate pink bubble gum at the cinema a few nights before.

    8. A collie dog-  my old dog, however with black & white fur. I seen a collie yesterday, and a black and white aggressive dog lives nearby.

    9.the baby gate - I was talkin about how much I didn’t want kids, and my ex had a baby gate for his dog.

    10. Firing at the computer, so it crashed, - my laptop crashes!

    ESSAYY!! haha =]


  5. I keep dreaming of my ex gf's best friend. God knows what that is about.

  6. When my husband closes his eyes, its like turning on the tv, and invariably next morning, he opens his eyes and sez,

    "I had this really strange/weird/daft/silly/scary/ dream, last night"(only the discription varies, according to the type of dream)

    .I'm usually like, "oh yeah, another one?"

    I never dream, and just cant understand it. Forty-odd years ago when i was a young child, i had a dream about my mum and dad (who had just had a huge row, in my ear-shot), they seemed to be made of plastercine and as i watched them, their heads rolled back and fell off. Ive never forgotten this dream, it was my one and only.

    My husband thinks I am odd.

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