
I am going to build a Home made Airplane.?

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So i need some help to get started. I need some designs i can look at and maybe use some details on my own airplane. I am going to use a ROTOX engine on my aircraft. It will be a mini version of cessna carravan float plane. I've flown over 2000 hours with Flight simulator 2004 And Flight simulator X. I need some help to find the right design , how to build the scale on my plane and how to make the stearing.




  1. Top Flite Gold Edition Airplane Kits

    Gold Edition Airplane Kits. Gold Edition Airplanes are state-of-the-art kits that are ... Airplane Kit. Piper Arrow II. The long-time favorite is now an easy ... - 20k - Cached

  2. Do not start with an untried design. You are asking for big trouble. Build an ultralight kit plane first and use your ROTAX engine to power it. At least you should get an understanding of how difficult home building is. Go on line to the lin provided and red the basic instructions. You will also need a large space to work in, a lot of specialized tools, knowledge of working with composites, etc. Add all that to building something experimental and you can pretty much be assured the project will never fly. Building an airplane is quite different than sitting in front of a flight similator. I know, I have had aviation in my blood since I was eleven years old. I built models took flying lessons, became a Helicopter Crewman and still have yet to get it all together to build my own plane.

  3. 2000 hours of flight simulator is all you need to build an airplane in your garage.


    Just great.

  4. EAA.

  5. Yea I thought the same thing you are, Ive played video simulators,flown rc planes learned all I could. then got my own ultralight plane and:


    It was the scariest ten minutes of my life.

    go take a few ultralight lessons before you plunk a bunch of money on a pile of wood

    its thrilling and a lot cheaper then building a plane then never wanting to leave the ground!

  6. Take a look at challenger aircrafts' website, I have flown one that belongs to a friend of mine on skis and on floats and on wheels, a lot of fun.

    I am in the middle of building one now, not too hard and you can probably get it done for less than 15,000, can be a single seat and qualify as an ultralight or a two seater and qualify for the sport category.

  7. People do do it and the EAA will be a good support group.

    You ARE going to need them.

    Just be aware, that before that initial flight, you will be

    asking yourself;

    " Am I really ready to bet my life on every

    single component of this airplane???"

    You'd better be. How good a mechanic are you?

  8. Contact the Experimental Aircraft Association( They are a group dedicated to folks building planes from scratch, kits, etc. They would be a tremendous amount of help. Just be aware that building an aircraft, even from a kit is a lot of work. It can easily take you 4-5 years working by yourself and having the right tools.

    You can also contact Wag Aero ( They sell plans for build it yourself aircraft. Plans are about $100 and might be worth a look. It is an involved process.

    If you are not already a pilot, I might recommend that you start off by taking a few lessons or at least an intro ride to see what its really like. FS is fun but its still only a simulation and you will need a lot more to fly let alone build your own plane. Look at for intro ride/training info.

  9. Daniel, actual piloting of an aircraft is not like playing a video game. I suggest that you take pilot training to see if you would actually like getting a pilot license and taking flight training, which has to be done in a REAL aircraft. Then, give some thought to perhaps building your own aircraft.

    The reason for the above is if you build an aircraft and then you decide that you don't like flying, what are you going to do with the aircraft? Odds are you will not be able to sell it, and you will be out a lot of money and time.



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