
I am going to buy surround sound, but need help...?

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I need to know what separates good systems from bad ones. Need to know what to look for in receivers and speakers. Thanks for your help.




  1. Generally, the main thing that separates good systems from bad ones seems to be price. In some cases, it has little more than brand names as a factoring reason, but price is a good indicator of quality.

    Having said that, unless you are a true audiophile (and not many people are, judging by what kind of music is selling these days!), you're not REALLY going to notice much difference between a mid-price unit and a higher spec system.

    Visit a few hi-fi stores. Not department stores, they don't know what they're talking about. They just want to sell you whatever is giving them the best markups at the time.

    Take note of the models which you like, and research them online, see what other people are saying about them.

    Trust your ears and you won't go far wrong in any price range. This does not apply to the no-name unheard of c**p that pops up on eBay all the time, generally costing next to nothing (but a fortune on postage), generally coming out of Hong Kong. Stay away from that junk. Seriously !!

    Good luck :)

  2. Your best bet is to go to a store and listen to them.  Bose is the best marketed speakers but not necessarily the best.  If you can get the salesperson to play a few pieces for you and if possible find something that has low base so you are not overpowered by the subwoofer (The intro of Hotel California by the Eagles comes to mind).  Bose and a lot of people will try to sell you on watts and drown you out with high power base.  High end pieces by BA or Martin Logan offer clarity in their sound that cannot be matched by Bose.  If you want to make sure you hear bullet casings hitting the floor while being able to hear the explosions, this is the way to go.

  3. bose has very good speakers. remember when buying, bigger = bettter ONLY WHEN YOUR BUYING THE BASE. some of the best speakers i've ever heard are on my computer at about 6 inches tall

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