
I am going to camp TOMORROW but I have no idea what to pack. Its one of those YMCA sleep-away camp. HELP ME!!!

by  |  earlier

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I am going to camp for two weeks and thank you guys you are all really helpful xoxox




  1. To add to the list from the first answer, insect repellent, flashlight, sleeping bag, pillow,jacket,and a pocket knife if you have one and if they are allowed.

  2. They should have given you a list but since they didn't maybe you could call and ask them what their suggestions are. If that doesn't work, pack lightly but smart. It's summer so you'll pack shorts but take a pair of pants for chilly nights or hiking in thick woods, also pack a sweatshirt for same reasons. Your toiletries of course but don't overdue it. There's no need for make-up or perfume really. Two pairs of shoes (sensible shoes) in case one pair gets wet. Notebook, pencil, and envelopes in case you want to write home (if your staying awhile). Bug spray!!! lol Have fun!

  3. Bra






    Bug Repellant

    2 bathing suits

    4 bath towels and 4 washclothes


    two pairs of sturdy sneakers

    a box of band aids

    3 beach towels



    body spray

    a couple books for entertainment

    a bar of soap

    a couple hair tyes

    a hair brush and a comb



  4. underwear





    swim suit




    wash cloth

    tooth paste

    and the most important

    bring ur self

  5. just pack what you'd pack if you were going to a sleepover or something.soap,shower gel/bubble bath,a flannel,a bigger towel (unless towels are supplied,idk..) a toothbrush,toothpaste and floss.shampoo,comb/brush and conditioner.i'd recommend buying everything as 'mini' versions btw,and put them in a waterproof bag :] clothes-wise,idk how long you're staying for,but plan out your outfits,but dont take more than you really need!say you're going for a week,i'd recommend taking one or two pairs of jeans which you wear just for lazing round the camp,one to wear on like adventure excursions or whatever and one pair which are kinda 'special',to wear if they have a party or something..take a pair of joggers,and a pair of shorts for if it is hot.two or three short sleeved shirts and one long sleeved should be enough (remember im like thinking for a week at camp) take looooads of socks and pants!take a hat/baseball cap to protect from sun and bad weather,a jacket,maybe with a hood if you think it might or two pairs of trainers and a pair of flip flops.take bedding if you need it,idk! a sleeping bag or sheet,or even a duvet,a pillow or two and a teddy ;) a torch will probably be useful.make sure to take spare batteries for this :) put everything in a big bag and i'd also recommend labelling stuff.extra stuff-a camera,i'd recommend disposable but take a digital if you want,but make sure you take batteries for that.take a good book and/or a magazine,something to read when you get might wanna take your phone,but its optional..a handheld console or something like a gameboy is a good idea,but make sure u take a variety of games in case u get bored.if u take ur phone/mp3,make sure u use headphones so u dont disturb everyone.if you're gonna be swimming and/or out in the sun a lot,take a bathing suit/shorts (if theres a beach..),sun cream,bug repellent or like a mosquito lamp plugin thing for ur room :) painkillers,some antiseptic sort of gel if u get bites,aftersun (optional),and baby wipes are also useful.take some money,and also some food but not stuff that will get ruined easily..gummy bears and fruit pastilles,that kinda stuff,cause u never know when u might get hungry =D hope i helped! X

  6. Long pants to prevent poison ivy and scratches if you go on hikes in the woods

    A rain poncho

    A hoodie or jacket in case at night it gets chilly

    sleeping bag and pillow

    A can of "off" or other such bug spray

    A tube of sunscreen

    Any prescription meds you might need

    A swimming suit

    A towel

    Good hiking shoes with socks

    Socks and underwear

    Flip flops to wear in shower, at pool, etc.

    a flashlight

    a deck of cards

    tee shirts (not your cutest, they will get dirty)

    couple pairs of shorts

    some candy that won't melt such as skittles

    a water bottle

    Have fun

  7. Oh my gosh you are going to have SO much fun!! I went to YMCA camp in California every summer growing up.

    Don't forget a

    swim suit,

    sun block,


    flip flops for the showers and the pool,

    a towel,

    jeans (at least one pair),

    tennis shoes and some sturdier shoes like boots if you have them (they like to take you hiking),

    no jewelry or makeup (its not a rule but its easier to just leave it behind),

    gum or candy if you want,

    a canteen,

    a hoodie,

    plenty of socks and underwear,

    a camera,

    a hat,

    lots of hair ties,

    bug spray,

    maybe a crossword book, magazine, or something like that,

    and lots of t-shirts.

    HAVE FUN!!!

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