
I am going to camping in AZ in the desert. How do I desert-proof my truck?

by Guest65692  |  earlier

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I don't live in the desert, but I am going to camping in AZ in the desert for two weeks. Beyond the usual (replacing filters, flushing the coolant system, checking belts), what else should I do to 'desert-proof' my truck (2002 Chevy Silverado 1500)? Thanks!




  1. I've seen lists in desert hiking books where people advise carrying several types of replacement parts for your vehicle including fan belts, wire to tie up a broken tail pipe, gasket material, nuts and bolts, 2 full size mounted spare tires, etc.), and gear for working under the vehicle such as tarps to lie down on, a shovel. Emergency gear including survival food for a week, extra gas, extra water, material to make a solar still. But most of the problems, the book says, are caused by speed and carelessness.

    I don't know about desert driving, but for desert hiking it's recommended you allocate 1 gallon of water per person per day. 1 liter seems suicidal. And I'd rather have a shovel than a pistol vs. a rattlesnake.

  2. Last answer for tonight going to bed. If at all possible rent a jeep and trailer it in to your location or rent one when you get there and save your vehicle from adding 2 yrs to it's life. I go to Tucson az once in a while good cat hunting in the mountains couple of ghost towns around cool to check out.I hooked up with a couple of red necks living in the area I rented there jeep locked up my truck in there yard and was gone for 10 days they called me 3 days into my trip to check on me thought I was a little nuts for going out alone. let them tag along for a couple of days now they know I'm nut but they and I had a good time showed me around to areas they new about, People helping people that's what it's all about.Ok they were not tame but nether am I so we trusted each other. Luck

  3. have cell phone. service is pretty good in most areas.  have plenty of water for your self and truck just in case.  have good tires and don't camp in a wash, monsoons are here and you will be in trouble with flash floods.  don't use your a/c if your only riding around on the dirt roads, you will over heat your truck.  if you know the general area of where you are going to camp, check out the nearby towns for what type of services they have.

    Watch for snakes.

  4. You need and I stress need 4 wheel drive those roads get rough. Make sure you have plenty of water at least a liter a day because it  is hot out there. Make sure you have a spare tire and tools to fix anything the might go wrong. Have and emergency kit for you truck and a first aid kit. Rope for just about anything. Tow straps in case you get stuck. Have another never go into the desert alone so have a friend in another vehicle. Watch out for snakes. A pistol might not hurt for defense or to kill a rattle snake if  needed, but if you leave them be they will leave you alone to. That and general camping supplies.

    Be careful and have fun.

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