My parents have always had me going to this Christian college for pretty much my whole life.Problem is,I don't want to go there.It's academics are under par.They aren't accredited.And worst of all,their rules are so strict.Bodily contact is not allowed(not even a handshake,or if a girl falls,you cant touch her to help her up.).You must have a pass to go off campus.You can be "campused" which means if you break enough of the schools ridiculous rules,you are not allowed to even speak to anyone for however long the administration deems is appropriate.There's worse,too!I don't want to go there.It's like a prison!They even have barb-wire fences!!!My parents are making me go though.They wont help pay for my education if i don't go where they want me too.Not to mention what it would do to my family.I'm already slated for my freshman year,but I'm thinking about just s******g it and transferring after my freshman year.What do you think I should do?Please help me!!!