
I am going to court tomorrow for traffic violation ( running red light) does anyone have any ideas? more....?

by  |  earlier

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just a little view on what happened. tell me what you think. i was in route to the light and the light was green. i observed a police officer turning left in front of me and going up on the sidewalk into the grass ( this is at the light) going out of view behind bushes. i thought that the officer was turning around to come back out so when i approched the light i looked to the right to see where he was and to make sure i wasn't going to be in his way and when i turned back the light had turned yellow. As i passed over the white line the light turned red and i just knew that he got me. feeling sick to my stomach there he came and pulled me over and gave me the ticket. I have a good driving record with a +2 out of +5 safety points. what can i say to the judge?




  1. The same thing you just told us.

  2. Go in and tell the judge what happened maybe even draw a diagram - the worst he will say is pay the ticket (you might be able to get it reduced but dont quote me)

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