
I am going to cozumel and want to get somethin for my girlfriend. What can i get that can only be found there?

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We have been together for nearly 7 months now. She loves clothes and accessories. I want to get her something special that can only be found in mexico. Is their anything like that which I can only find in mexico?




  1. I agree with the jewelry. My dad got my mom this really simple gold anklet form Acapulco (i think) and she loves it. Just get something pretty. She'll just like the fact that her bf was thinking about her, and no one else can find the same one in the U.S.

  2. cuban kidding..u cant bring those get her a nice peice of mexican jewelry or something, way cheaper in mexico..but no.there isnt a lot just found in mexico..but they do have lots of things there..youll have no trouble finding something

  3. Mexico is known for silver jewelry.  Plan on spending $200 - $300 for a really nice piece, of course, there are lots of options that are more affordable.

  4. Women love jewelry and Mexico has great silver that is almost pure.

    Another gift idea, some margarita glasses are very unique and beautiful. The pottery and ceramics are also gorgeous. A mexican art scene would be different.

    Once you get out there and look around, many ideas will pop up.

    Good Luck)

  5. I suggest "Cancún perfume", you can go to a store named "Ultra Femme". That exquisite perfume is only sold in México and can only be found at that store. Make sure you buy special edition at the time, because it cahnges every summer. You might spend about 1000.00 MXP.

    Even if you decidee not to buy it, I suggest you take a lot at it, the bottles are beautiful.

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