
I am going to die/be murdered?

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I think my purse was stolen. I had my cellphone, lipgloss, money wallet id everything! And my address/number. How do I get it back?! IS there anyway!The phone was new and expensive! ANd it had a TON of pics of me and my friends family, what school we go to. I accidentally left it in the front seat of the car with my backpack, and I came back from the store and it was gone! And it was by this reduced grocery store (grocery outlet) that some homeless ppl buy from, and on the edge not in the front!!!!!!!!!

20 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

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0 seconds ago

Am i going to be murdered? I miss my purse! the least they could do is put it on my hard dead cold body!




  1. I don't know how high-tech your cellphone was, if it had GPS, ask your cellphone company if they can find it with GPS on a computer, I know with Nextel you could.

  2. It's all gone, I hope you've canceled all credit  and debit cards already, called you're phone company and canceled #. I can't believe you're worried about lip gloss, carelessness is the way most people learn valuable and important lessons, good luck

  3. Firstly, double check under the seat, in all the places in the car, everywhere.

    But really, if I found someone's purse I wouldn't go and murder them.  Murders usually happen when the robber is going after someone's purse and they get aggressive and so the robber gets aggressive and someone gets hurt.  Once they have the purse there's no need for further violence.

  4. Contact your cell phone company and report the phone lost/stolen and then deactivate it.  The phone will not be able to be re-activated.  Also, right now they may be able to locate the cell phone.

  5. I don't think you will have to worry about your life, however, call the police and make a report and cancel your credit cards and shut off that phone and get a new one.

  6. If you're murdered can I have your car?

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