
I am going to disney land in florida this weekend it's my son's birthday on monday is the weather bad??

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I am going to disney land in florida this weekend it's my son's birthday on monday is the weather bad??




  1. I would check the site below before you leave. We are expecting that storm that is near Puerto Rico to come near FL around that time.

  2. Hun that is not good we have a hurrican coming through monday-wednesday it's suppoue to be very bad it's called tropical storm fay but it will reach hurricane status by 11pm tonight. winds are going to be 70-90 or higher tons of rain their all ready telling us to prepare get batteris, flashlights food and water. the hurricane is suppouse to come right through orlando florida!! our state is all ready in a state of emergency.

  3. yeah they said theres going to be t-storms both days,sorry

  4. there is not a disney land in florida it is disney world, but if you look at the weather forecast for orlando you will notice it says thunderstorms  almost everyday of the summer, no matter what year,  here in orlando we have alot of afternoon showers, so you should be fine until 4 or 5 pm

    it is a huge lie when they call florida the sunshine state because it rains alot!

    but you should be fine

  5. I live in Ft. Myers and it is Hot!!!!! Mid-90's and I live near the water.  I used to live in Orlando and it is hotter when in the middle of the state.  Other than that it might rain once a day for about 30min unless we get a big storm because it is Hurricane season.  I do not see any out in the ocean right now but check and go to tropical weather.

  6. Scattered T Storms with a high of 87F. 40% chance of rain. 65% humidity

    Subject to change

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