
I am going to france and don't speak anything but American. if i speak really loud will it help em understand?

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I am going to france and don't speak anything but American. if i speak really loud will it help em understand?




  1. That certainly seems the consensus amongst American tourists.

    P.S. I doubt this is a serious question. Its the sort of thing that silly little children who think they are clever ask.

  2. Most  French people have learned some English at school. Speaking loud does not help understanding. Keep the language simple and speak clearly. Take a phrase book - then if you are stuck you can point to the words in the book.

  3. You have to speak slowly, and talking academic english ( no argotic words).

    If you respect the French, they will respect you, don't worry!

  4. Whatever you do, DON'T  speak too loud with your American accent. Try and learn the magic words 'please' and 'thank you' and a few others in French. Have an awesome time in France!

  5. As an American I'm asking that you please don't do this.  It will only validate the stereotype that we are too stupid to be allowed outside of our country.  The best thing to do would be to get a phrase book and attempt to learn some very basic phrases.  Even if you royally s***w it up the French are more likely to be polite to you for at least trying to speak their language.  I went to France in high school with very poor French skills and people were nothing, but nice to me because I made an attempt to speak French.  Bon chance et bon voyage!

  6. don't be ignorant.  The french hate americans who act like that.  Please take the time to at least learn basics like "How much is that?" Or "Where can I find....?".  Don't speak to them like they're dumb.  And you don't speak "american", it's called english.  Don't assume they will know english.  That's rude.  Have a dictionary or book of phrases handy.  And stick to activities with a tour guide.  You dont want to end up lost.  Pick pocket run rampant there.

  7. They are French, not deaf.  Speak slowly and clearly, learn "merci" and a few other basic words.

  8. I don't see the point of speaking loudly.

    I'd recommand speaking slowly.

    Take a tourist guide book, most of them have commun sentenses into them. If you don't know how to phrase or pronunce it, then just show it.

    Most French people know basic English so I guess they'd be able to answer you although learning basic French such as "Bonjour", "Merci", "S'il vous plaît" shouldn't hurt.

  9. OH MY GOSH!

    Please dont. As a native frenchgirl myself I always found that to be the UTMOST annoying thing with american tourists. People think that the french do not like the americans but that is not true!!

    If you have respect and a smile and kindness when you are speaking with french people, they will smile back and understand.

    I had a heard time here when i first came, but soon i learned, and if i was smiling people would smile too! :)

  10. Yeah they all speak English just pretend they dont.

  11. What a question, of course it will !

    - In order to make you understood, you need first to wear tennis shoos, short and a T-shirt.

      Take only T-shirt with written word in english like I Love GWB or Surrender Monkey ! written on it, they need to understand who is the boss and that you are making them a favour to come visit their country.

      Do not forget a baseball cap and a camera. Eating a cheeseburger or having a Coca in your hand can help make your point.

    - When you want to interract with a french person; firstable, you have to assume that they do not speak english only to make you feel bad.

      They do speak french just to p**s you off: As the rest of the world everybody speak english at home.

    - Start speaking slowly and Loudly, like to a deaf 4 years old. If they do not understand, repeat louder and louder. Do not forget to tell them you are an american and save their *** several time during the process.

    - If they still do not want to understand, then start doing big gesture to make your point. Showing your middle finger should make them react well but do not give them a smile. It could be interpreted as a sign a weakness.

    - After some time, you should see some policeman coming. Repeat the whole process until they put you in the plane.

    Enjoy your stay !

  12. speaking loudly will only help them to understand that you are an obnoxious american. try speaking slowly, politely and with kindness and most people are willing to help

  13. Don't  forget  about  half  what  we  speak  here  in  America  is  french  and  most  french  speak  English  have  a  good  time  bon  vouajaz!!

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