
I am going to get a 30 litre tank and i want it to consist of guppies and bettas...

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but the thing is that i dont want female guppies as they take up too much space and look dull compared to the males. so would i be able to get 2 male guppies without any female ones and perhapsa couple of bettas (not sure about male or female of those).

thanks, please give your own ideas and say if i have to add some female guppies or not.




  1. Bad idea!!!

    Male bettas will attack and eventually kill the flashy male guppies.  I tried it once since I saw a few people say they had success with it but I could barely fish the guppy out before my bettas made short work of it.  You can't keep male bettas with anything they might percieve as another male betta.

    Males can only be kept by themselves or with other peaceful, dull colored, non-long finned, community fish like rasboras for example.  You might be able to get away with a female betta but don't keep male and female bettas together.

  2. Its an o.k. combination....

    Um.. you cant put 2 male bettas but you could with females. However most female guppy are dull so I prefer getting other kind of fish like neon tetra

  3. You can only put one male betta in a tank and male guppies have flowing fancy tails which the betta will mistake for another male betta.  You could put a female betta in the tank but they are best kept alone or in groups of 5 or more.


  4. Having the male guppies without the females is perfectly fine, however, the male betta will most likely nip at the fancy fins of the guppies, probably seen as another betta to him so considered a threat.

    That happened to my betta and all of my guppies, male and female, so i had to remove the betta asap.

    As for female bettas, yeah they arent as colorful as the males, but its the safer route. You may find that your guppies will be very stressed or even dead if the male betta is biting them.

    I did have some little neon tetras and small angel fish with him that he seemed to ignore.

    Good luck!

  5. Here's the deal.  I would only put a female betta and 3 male guppies in there. You rreally don't have room for more. A male betta would not be ok with the guppies, but female betta would.  most tend to be calmer.

    Before putting the fish in, please put gravel, live or fake plants, and a peice of driftwood in the tank.  Then add the water and declorinator to the water.  Clorine in water is harmful to fish.  Then, cycle the tank so the nessicary bacteria will come.  Check out this link in tank cycling.

    After all that is done, add the male guppies first.  Then after a week or two, move around the plant decorations and add the female betta.  (Moving around the decorations will make the transition easier for your betta, the guppies will not pick on her then.  The reason is when you move the decorations around, the guppies will forget that it's their teritory and then they won't defend it against the betta. If you do that, the betta's fins won't get nipped!)

    I hope I helped!  Email me if you have questions!

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