
I am going to get a chinchilla but first i want to do some research..?

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Are there any sites with alot of info on them and if you have any personal experinces plzz share and i want to know like how big the cage should be and if i can let it out and what should be in the cage with him or her..




  1. I'll give you info I have two right now and I am going to start breeding.

    Chinchillas are a expensive "rodent" but totally worth it.

    They live 14 to 16 years so be ready for a long term responsibility.

    Once you get started they are totally worth it. They're cute, happy, and loving pets.

    In the begining they may bite a little but its not hard "nibbiling" is simply a sign that he is getting comfortable with he enviorment.

    They hate the hot so have your house between 70-78 I live in florida so its crucial to have cold plates like these

    ( Buy two put on in the fridge and everday change them. If the power goes out change them. Chinchillas over heat easily.

    They have a soft coat, bathing them in water is soooooooo out of the picture, You need to use bathing dust specially for chinchillas, never use water! Bedding needs to be changed every two to three weeks, the urine odor will be bad for them (can cause illnesses) and a horrible scent! NEVER TURN TO SCENTED BEDDING! Chinchillas are very sensitive to sound, such as the vaccuum, move them out of the room away from it when you are doing so. Keep music soft. It's like us hearing a balloon pop right in our ears! They do make small cute barking noises. If you plan on getting another one after your first one really look into everything about it.Don't put them together in the begining it takes lots of time for them to get used to each other and not fight(my cage now can seperate them without disasembaling the cage which is incredibly convinent!) They need excerise so buy a big wheel, like the biggest you can get!

    Heres things you should get

    The cage should be big, lots of room to jump run. I have this cage,

    But I got it at a discount price.

    its a really good cage, its all metal besides the tray they walk on, look for a cage with all of the things inculded in this cage. Dont get a cage with holes on the bottom, they can step through it and hurt themself in many ways! High priced cage but work it.

    You need a glass water bottle

    this to hold the hay you need to buy

    which is this brand and this exact bag of hay


    This is the best quality of food everyone suggests it, Dont buy foods with treats in it.

    This bedding in white or the color shown YOU CANNOT GET SCENTED it can most likely make them sick dont take the chances.

    or this kind of bedding

    chew toys that say "made for chinchillas" or "small rodents"

    And a wheel.

    you can email me anytime, I'd love to help someone interested in chinchillas!

  2. See the sites below. There's lots of great information, and even give you an idea on if a chinchilla is the right pet for you.

    Cage size: the bigger the better! Chins love to run and jump!

    In the cage: they NEED chew toys, a little hut or box to sleep in, chin-proof feeder and chin-proof water bottle (they chew EVERYTHING!)

    This is a great site to buy supplies at a great price:

    Letting them out: Yes definitely!!! Make sure you provide a really safe place for them to play! They love to chew, so a place with lots of wires would be bad. They're very curious and love to explore! We have a large "playpen" (no floor) that we can sit inside and let them run & climb all over us.

    Temperature: They really must be kept cool. You cannot let them get hot as they can overheat really quickly!!

    Food: You need to buy quality food and you cannot switch different foods on them - they have very sensitive tummies.

    Snacks: raisins, raw almonds, banana chips -- but very limited per day treats, because they can get diabetes and they do love their sweets. Shredded wheat squares (the cereal kind, with no extra sugar) makes a great snack for them!

    Picking a chinchilla: I **highly** recommend that you get as close to a baby as possible. Train him/her with a key word that you are going to pick him/her up (I say "Come Here" and mine will stop, so I can pick him up) Hold him/her every day!!! Handle the chin before you buy. Make sure you like his/her personality!! Maybe find out if there's a chinchilla rescue group anywhere near you!!

    BATH: Most important - your chin should not get wet. EVER!! They bathe in a dust bath. It's fun to watch, but you will get dust everywhere! LOL!!

    Hope this helps!!!

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