
I am going to get braces what color should i get them?

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i am a girl




  1. NEVER get red!

    it makes ur lllook like ur bleeding.

    get white maybe:) or nean pink or blue and green.

    get rainbow<33

    lol =]

  2. a light pink :] very pretty

    GOOD luck with them! it might hurt :(

  3. PINK

  4. get darker colors. they are less noticeable. you can get different ones for holidays though red and blue for the 4th of july, and red and green for christmas.

  5. umm well you get the color changed everytime you go in..maybe if there is a holiday coming up do the holiday colors

    or pink and baby blue is always cute

  6. Hello...You know, when females pick out makeup they choose blends and colors that match or correlate between the colors of your hair,eyes and skin....and they choose clothing combinations the same way. The reality is that both males and females should use that criteria when they are going to get colored braces....Pick something that blends with you and doesn't end up looking like you got it at a garage sale....Good luck and I wish you well.

  7. Blue like you see in the american flag! i love that color. Or a bright neon pink. The brighter colors make your teeth look whiter. Neon oragnge.

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