
I am going to get my nosed pierced.?

by  |  earlier

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But i am afraid of the needle. I wont be able to stand needles in my face. I've looked on youtube videos, and the needle looks huge! How can I overcome this and just do it?




  1. dont worry about the pain

    its not painful at all

    i pierced my own nose and it did not hurt that bad

    and besides, the pain goes away in one minute

    but the next day its sore

    just wash it 3 times a day with saline wound wash and 2 times a day with soap

    and make sure that your hands are clean when you turn it

    the needle will be at 20G i think and its a tiny thing

    dont worry about it

    if you want to, you could numb it with ice before you go

    good luck and its totally worth it in the end  

  2. I am horrible with pain, and I hate needles, but I love piercings. I got my nose pierced about a year ago. It hurt and I bleed a lot, but it was over in a second. I really don't think looking at the videos was a good idea. I didn't think about it till I went to get it pierced because I always thought it was gonna be worse then it actually was. Just stop thinking about how bad its gonna hurt, and just do it.

  3. if you want it bad enough, you'll get it done. Close your eyes if you want. It takes a few seconds and its over.

  4. haha i got mines dont with a gun!

    haha at the swap meet.

    and NOPE it didnt get infected.

    but yeaahh. idk about you...

    close your doesnt hurt too bad.

    but for like one second.


  5. I have mine done. It really only lasts a second, and it doesn't hurt as much as you'd think it would. Just close your eyes and breathe. Don't look at the needle and don't open your eyes until the jewelry is in.

    Also, the needle will be a different size depending on what gauge your piercing is. My nose is a 20G, which is the smallest you can get for a nostril pierce. Another standard size for this piercing is 18G, slightly larger. You probably won't notice that much of a difference, but if you want a smaller needle, ask for a 20G piercing.

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