
I am going to go on a field trip, but we have to sit on a boat for 3 hours how do i prevent seasickness?

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I am going to go on a field trip, but we have to sit on a boat for 3 hours how do i prevent seasickness?




  1. eat alot of greay food, like sausage and fried food...easier when it comes up

  2. Try Bonine, Dramamine... OTC .  Also they have wrist bands with a little white button on them that presses  acupressure points on each wrist.  They also have patches but some people report allergic reactions like rashes.

    As I crossed a very rough English channel, I found looking at the horizon helped as did trying to time my breathing with the movement of the ship...sort of like posting on a horse.

  3. you can buy pills at the drug store that will prevent it.

  4. Ginger works depending upon how sensitive you are to motion  sickness.

    Ginger Pills

    Ginger Ale Soda

    Ginger Snap Cookies

    Fresh ginger cut and brewed into a tea.

    You get the idea.

    Stay outside the boat.

  5. You can buy a patch that goes behind your ear from the chemist

    It's better to go with a full stomach than an empty one

  6. As mentioned the pills.

    Another "Tactic" that helps; Look at the Horizon. It get your mind more stable from the up/down of the boat.

  7. All the answers so far are the standard remedies.  Two things I want to add are not pill, patch or anything else.

    Motion sickness comes from your inner ear (which controls balance) and your other senses getting out of sync with each other.  Looking at the horizon is a very good way to keep things in sync.  My solution to a sick guest was to put them on the wheel where they were forced to watch the water and anticipate the movement.

    My second point is from long observations.  People who worry about getting sick, get sick.  Those who have confidence and are relaxed usually just enjoy the ride.

    Do whatever you think necessary, kick back and enjoy.

  8. They have wonderful little dramamine patches that go behind your ear like a bandaid.  Or they also have seasick bands you can put around your wrist.

    Both work like the pills - but don't make you as sleepy.

    Also - don't drink orange juice or eat something sweet before you go.... eat toast and something light - and drink water.  It will help.

    Also - stay in the fresh air if possible... the stuffiness of the cabin might make you a bit seasick... and ask the captain of the boat where the most "stable" spot is.. where you will feel the least amount of motion.  They usually can tell you that about their particular boat.

    Lastly - try to watch ahead of you - rather than watching to your left or right... something about the horizon slipping past your periphiral vision throws off your sense of balance and makes you seasick.

  9. sit on a boys(mans) lap

  10. you can take some motion sickness pills they work great and you can find them at any store over the counter or when your on the boat avoid being closed in try to stay out on deck and dont look at the water watch the horizion or just lay down that always works too but if you take the pills you shouldnt have any thing to worry about

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