
I am going to have a problem changing into shorts in gym class?

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okay, I am going to Junior High next year, and we need to change into shorts for gym class. I was thinking I could just wear my shorts under my pants for when it is too cold to wear shorts, and just wear the shorts to gym when it is warm enough. Could this work? Will I look stupid? I don't want anyone seeing me naked. It's just wrong.




  1. Unless you are going commando, you should not have an issue with changing into your gym shorts.  I can understand not wanting people to see you naked, but if you are wearing underwear there should be no issue.  You are not naked if you are wearing underwear.  

    I don't know how things are in todays society, but when I was in school, we were required to shower after P.E. with the other boys.  I had a real hard time with that, but got used to it after a while.

    You shouldn't be embarassed to change into your shorts if you are wearing underwear or boxers.

  2. Well.. u could just wear boxers and not take them off... u are all just guys, and unless there is a g*y kid in there, they probably don't want to look at your "buisness" as much as you don't want to.

  3. well that is a very good idea, and no u wont look stupid, and you will have underwear on i hope lol. i mean u said you dont want them to see you naked, so thats why i said that lol. but yeah kid you will be fine, or just go change in the bathroom, i know a lot of people who are self concious and do that. there is nuthng wrong with feeling that way, and u will eventually grow out of it

  4. You could change in a bathroom stall too.  That is private.

  5. Well arent you going to have underwear on? If you go commando and then want to change into your shorts then go in to a bathroom stall.

  6. why would you feel nervous, everyone else will be in their boxers so can you, unless your boxers have pretty pink butterflys on them

  7. i would just change in the stall. everyone is going to be like this. i think most people will be more worried about the way they look than the way others look.

  8. um people arnt going to see you naked, you wear boxers don't you? Its not like your changing those too.

  9. You are a boy... wear boxers!!

    Girls don't have that luxury!

    Last year I lost 40lbs, and before that I hated changing infront of people. I had cellulite and stretch marks. Try being a girl =(

  10. Don't you wear boxers?

    Put some underwear on and then change...

  11. this past year was my first year of Junior high....i know your problem because i also had gym glass and had to change clothes for it....its really not that big of a deal...because no one will look at you there unless there g*y....what i did was find like a corner away from people and change there.....i knew some kids that wore them under there saves time so you can get started in your class...

  12. i don't what  how that is going to solve anything.  in my school after gym class we all had to take showers together and u are 100% naked then.  you will just have to get over it.

  13. change in a stall or a bathroom...i dotn get why you would be shy about it...dotn you guys keep your boxers on?

    && i have to change in gym at my school(girl)....&& its much worse i have lesbians in my unless you have g**s i wouldnt be so embarassed :]]

    hope i helped

  14. No, it's not wrong. In locker rooms there are bathrooms and showers.... change in one of them.

  15. Please tell me you are wearing boxers?! If you are, then they aren't seeing you naked...

  16. Getting bare-bottom naked with your buds is part of growing up.  It's not "wrong," it's normal and healthy.  That's how boys your age find out how normal they are and what to expect as they mature.  The ones who never get naked or see others naked are the ones who pepper the Mens Health section with frantic questions about their bodies and whether they're normal or not.  

    What you can get away with in protecting your modesty depends on whether it's a requirement at your school that you actually shower after gym class.  As to whether you will look stupid, that comes down to which is more or less embarrassing to you, wearing shorts under your shorts, or being seen naked.  Consider this:  every boy in your class is probably filled with the same dread.  Trust me, after the first day, no one cares.

  17. dude--boxers, seriously. it doesn't matter, as long as your wearing boxers, everybody will have to change. if your so nervous, you can just be one of the first to that class and change first before anybody gets there.

  18. ok

    the kinda stuff annoys me soo much

    get over it.

    no body is gonna be watching u, just face the locker and have the back of ur butt face them

    and they won't see u naked u have undies on


  19. dude, i had to go through it with a bunch of guys in the locker room for gym, and i didnt have the best body in the room, if u feel embarassed, just wear your shorts under whatever u are wearing all the time, even if its hot cause thats the only option u will have, i did it too sometimes

  20. the miracle of underware,boxers, and briefs. I dont know why you wouldnt have those on in the first place, but if your scared to change just turn around or in the bathroom stall, but dont wear them under your clothes thats weird, and wearing them to school is nasty cause they get nasty after gym, then you will have to keep them on and people wil think your nasty

  21. u can change in the bathroom stall... its that simple

  22. thats find u cAn do that everone do that

  23. Well surely you'd be wearing boxers, right? In that case nobody would see you naked. Although, really nobody will be looking. I've had to get changed infront of other girls for P.E since I was 5 and I've never minded. Nobody looks at you and you tend to get changed near friends anyway so it doesn't matter as much.

    Wearing shorts under your trousers is possible but it feels weird and will annoy you. But if you're prepared to do that, so be it. It just seems abit stupid when you're going to be wearing boxers anyway, so you're not going to be naked. You'll get use to it too. After the first few lessons, you'll forget that you're getting changed with your peers.

  24. ur not naked completley, u do have boxers/underwear on

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