
I am going to improve my speech power,is there any useful advice?

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it's important to me know how to speak impressive(like Hitler ,he he he).this is very important in our life and our communication.




  1. Shout louder

  2. First of all, you should enrich your vocabulary, a wide use of vocabulary is a requirement..a strong one indeed...another thing is the power of the voice, the voice quality of a person, next the delivery of his speech, how he can orchestrate it if it is a needy speech, an imperative speech, a request speech, an appeal all matters the different kind of speeches one has to deliver,of course the tone, if it needs sympathy, empathy, deliberation or just aplain communication..and of course the personality of the person counts..the way he stands in front of the people is additional bonus in giving a speech..and to top it all is practice..becausae practice makes perfect...good luck!!!

  3. Don't repeat what he said though!, HeHeHe!.

    Otherwise, just mumble, It's Ok!

  4. Read a good quality newspaper, buy a dictionary (the best you can afford) and a thesaurus. Use both all the time.

    For voice projection, practice in front of a mirror, stand up straight. and if you are softly spoken like me, talk over your mp3 player. Taking singing lessons is also a good and fun way to learn how to be heard. You learn how to stand and what your voice actually sounds like and how to change it's pitch for best effects. (and is cheaper than a voice coach).

  5. to speak impressively is all about confidence, the use of small words can be just as impressive as the use of big, its how u convey your response that brings around strength and power to your dialogue... hence what i'm writing now, all very simple words yet presented in a logic order with strength behind each word.. to develop this skill is quite easy, just have to think before you speak, constructing logic responses (this takes time to get a hang of but it can happen), and just make sure to get out there and be around people, they will teach you the keys to opening up your world of power language

  6. Interact with people more often and take advantage of group speaking.

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