
I am going to ireland and what should i bring and how do i act?

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i was told that all i cant wear jeans what else cant i wear or do




  1. Do not tell them you have ancestors from Ireland. Do not claim to be Irish.

  2. you can bring any clothes you want and just act normal we don't bite..xx..☺

  3. Just be yourself!  We're one of the most welcoming nations, and we'll be glad to have you with us - the hotels, B&Bs, restaurants, pubs, shops etc will of course be gladdest of all!

    I imagine there are still a handful of restaurants with dress codes, but, apart from these, you'll be OK.

  4. Of course you can wear jeans, you can wear pretty much anything you want.  Bring some warm clothes, a hat and raincoat, just in case.  And if you happen to have a "f***y pack" like the first answer said, do not call it that - "f***y" does not mean the same thing in Ireland as it does in the US.

  5. Can't wear jeans? Thats silly.

    Act like you have some manners.

  6. Don't "act" like anything...people will see right through you, even if you're being polite [ie. fake polite], as suggested above!

    Honesty and not taking yourself too seriously goes down well in Ireland.

    As for the jeans thing, well...

  7. I've never heard that you can't wear jeans in Ireland.  That's ridiculous.  I would say as long as you don't wear some "USA!!" sweatshirt or a f***y pack, you should be fine.  Pack what is comfortable, easy to pack, and low key (casual, but not so casual that it looks like you just rolled out of bed).  That's the rule I tend to follow when travelling in another country (no one wants to be the "ignorant American").  Also, bring a jacket (preferably something waterproof in case it rains, which it often does there).  

    As for how to act:  I would say be open to how the people there act and adjust your behavior accordingly.  Depending on where you go in Ireland, this will vary.  Be polite, no matter what.

  8. Are you serious? I'm Irish, and I can't believe someone would ask this. Ireland is possibly the most tolerant country in the world - you can wear whatever you like, I think it is hilarious that you thought you couldn't wear jeans, this is Ireland, not Afghanistan! You can wear or do anything that you could in the US, or the UK, and probably a lot more besides! Our laws make the US look like a middle eastern dictatorship - as for the answerer above - plenty of people in Ireland wear USA T-shirts - we are one of the most pro-American countries in the world. You do not have to worry visiting Ireland, you will be made welcome, and you can behave just as you would at home. Please do some basic research, and you will find that we are one of the most advanced countries in the world.

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