
I am going to italy,paris and france what should i watch out for?the u.s. isnt exactly their favorite country.

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I am going to italy,paris and france what should i watch out for?the u.s. isnt exactly their favorite country.




  1. Relax and enjoy yourself.  The French people are as nice as the Americans.  Start with a smile on your face and an expectation that you will have a good time.

    The French people are much more friendly than people realize. Approximately 61% of the poplulation speaks English, and that is one of the main languages people learn in schools. People will go out of their way to be helpful and I am sure you will have a  wonderful time.  Tourism is big business in France, and they want you to have a good time and return for future visits.

    You do not need to know how to speak French, but if you know some French from high school, use it and they will respect you even more.

  2. Don't worry: many French people don't like the US (or say they don't like the US) but they usually love Americans. It's the French paradox...

  3. thats ok they are afraid of the usa so wear a big flag and show people you are proud

  4. I think you'll find that the French like Americans, but do not like the Bush administration. I know quite a few Americans who live here in France and they tend to see things that way.

    If the French really did hate all things American, then the McDonalds and KFC's of this world wouldn't be used as much as they are.

  5. Don`t worry too much. Just treat them with the same respect you wish to be treated with yourself. Say "please" and "thank you", and that will get you along way. If you say it in their own laguage they`ll probably appreciate a bit more. In Rome it`s adviced to watch out for pick-pockets, so beware.

  6. You should simply relax and enjoy yourself.  Simply remember that everyone the world over is essentially the same.  Treat them as you would want to be treated and you will have no problems.  If you are using a tour guide, just listen to him or her.  They will tell you about things to watch out for.  If you are near an American embassy, you can always stop in and ask a few questions as well.

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