
I am going to mexico. I have a bench warrant in MN will that effect my crossing the border on greyhound bus??

by  |  earlier

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My girl friend lives there and i am moving down with here in a few weeks. I have no pass port but was told my birth certificate was fine. Will they turn me around for the bench warrant in MN??? I am takin the bus>>




  1. You can get into Mexico, you just can't come back, and if you stay, you will need an FM-3 Visa. They will check you out, find out you are wanted, and deport you. Right into the arms of the feds. Here's an idea, turn yourself in and do your time. Its called paying your dues. You will like time in the clink in Mexico before deportation WAY less then you will like time in the clink in the US paying for what ever you have done.

  2. It depends what border station you pass through.  If you go through one of the more remote ones, they might not notice, but the big ones, such as El Paso/Ciudad Juarez, are computerized, and can find that information.

  3. They do not do crimminal cheks at this time.  you can only stay 6 months on a tourist visa.  They DO do cheks if ou ally for an FM3...resident visa.  Passpors WILL be required for land travel by June you will need one to cross border either way in the future.

  4. i went to mexico last year with three warrants and had no trouble

  5. Dude your  going to ******* jail.

  6. If they have that info in their "database" somewhere u r screwed. :(

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