
I am going to mexico...?

by Guest56953  |  earlier

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With my friend that has a ranch a few hours from Mexico City. I have no idea what to expect. I know some Spanish, but I am nervous I will forget it when I go there, and I don't want to look like an idiot in front of her whole family. And also, what clothes do I pack?? What clothes are common there so I don't stick out? And is it really hot there this time of year?




  1. The best way to do things is to have written by your friend in spanish so you can show ask the people in taxis and travel where you want to go. It is also helpful to buy in méxico a prepaid Cel and learn how to dial your friend and back home.

  2. it's not offensive at all.. dont be offended.. it's very different from the U.S. people are actually nice in mexico.. they wont try to make you feel bad.. they'll try to make you feel comfortable.. so.. no.. dont be offended

  3. Wear what you usually wear in the US, but be prepared for anything!  it might be hot or rainy so be prepared! and the family knows you are from here, so they will understand your accent, don't be nervous! have fun!

    and gringa to my opinion is not offensive, it just means you come from the US! as all other words it depends in the way they say it to be called offensive!

  4. Don't worry.  Clothes that you wear in the US will be fine in Mexico.  On the ranch, wear jeans and t-shirts.  If the ranch is near Mexico City it will not be hot but it may rain as this is the rainy season in Mexico.  If you go into town, the clothes you wear at home will be fine.  Most Mexicans dress the same as we do in the US.  

    Mexicans appreciate foreigners who try to speak their language.  They may laugh at your accent but they appreciate the fact that you try to speak Spanish.  Have fun and go with the flow.  You friend will help you.

  5. First of all, dont feel ofended by the word gringo because almost everyone said that word to refer to an american, is just a way we call people from the U.S.A. and its a natural thing.

    Then about the clothes, you might wear jeans and t-shirt and some comfortable shoes, thats perfect for the ranch so you can be able to do any activity in there.

    Yes is rain season.

    And i think no one will judge you or think you are an idiot, here in Mexico we are friendly, just have fun!!!

    If you need something else...

  6. Well I don't know which part of US you are but, yes I know people say that Mexico is too hot, well let me tell you I went to Texas and Atlanta around this time of the year some time back and I had never been so hot!!!! to walk outside was impossible, and I was wearing shorts and very light clothes.

    If it is close to Mexico City at this time of the year come prepared for rain, it is rainy season, we wear same clothes than US, you should bring a hat or a cab, cos if you are going to be in a ranch may be you are going to have many activities outside, and to be protected from the sun is a good idea, doesn't matter if you are in China or in Mexico.

    Gringa I do not consider an offense, its just to say you are from the States. Another thing is that many places around Mexico City are in the Mountains and when it rains in the evening can be kind of cold and humid, so bringing a jacket wouldn't be such a bad idea, of course not one for the snow. Jeans, T shirts, shorts and comfortable shoes, I have seen girls going to ranches on heels. Fashion is always according to the place you go.

    Just bring good energy and have a positive attitude.

  7. Dress for the very hot temp. Be ready to try Mexican food that doesn't look like your local Mexican food joint. Depending on if the town your going to is very wealthy or poor is how you most likely want to dress. You can prob wear whatever you want. Mexico City is known for kidnapping so don't dress too, look at me!!!LOL. And don't worry about the language thing.... most of what the family will be talking about will prob have nothing to do with you. Just be patient with your friend b/c there is nothing that drives me nuts more than someone asking me to interpret while I'm listening to my family speak.

  8. Dress modestly for the city, jeans and western shirts for the rancho. If its an upscale family who dresses for dinner (yes, they do that in Mexico DF) the little black dress is still appropriate. Be careful of new boots, you could cripple yourself in the first few days. Your hosts won't expect you to be fluent in Spanish, listen and learn. Have fun.

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