
I am going to move to cabo, is it a good place to live?

by Guest63922  |  earlier

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what are some things to look for, what kind of jobs are available with what kind of of pay?




  1. You can't work there, you know.  In order to become a legal alien, you will have to visit the nearest Mexican consulate and make out the paperwork.  You MUST PROVE that you have an INDEPENDENT INCOME of $1000 PER MONTH that does not depend on any money you hope to earn in Mexico, because YOU CAN'T WORK THERE.  You will also have to present your Passport and all of your automobile paperwork when you apply for resident alien status... It will cost you $137 just to process the paperwork.

    If you have a car, it will cost you nearly $500 just to get it across the border.

    If you just move to Mexico and start living... YOU WILL BE SORRY... because you WILL go to jail... and you won't like being in a MEXICAN JAIL.

  2. Well, I will say that Miguel answer is not accurate.

    Many foreigners live and work in Mexico, specially in Cabo.

    If you don't have a job yet, first you get here as a tourist, and you can stay up to 6 months.

    When you get a job, you will apply for a FM3 visa, that allow you to work, this have to be renewed every year, after 5 years you can apply for a FM2 (permanent resident).

    Check the link for all the official information.

    To work here you have to get a job that a Mexican can't do, be a professional (doctor, architect, lawyer, etc.), or open your own business.

    Mostly, you will work as a real state agent or timeshare salesman. You can be an English teacher too, but the pay isn't good, just enough to survive.

    Get here with an open mind, be safe and don't precipitate in your decisions.

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