
I am going to perth for my study so during that time can i get part time job easily?

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part time job in perth australia




  1. how old r u ?

    part time jobs aren't that difficult to find:)

    good luck.

  2. yes,

  3. it is very easy to land a part-time job here in perth. there are many vacancies as wait-person,cashiers,distributor of catalogues,etc.

    your per hour would range from $10-14.00 as a wait person. but some offers lower than you should scout for a good employee.

    look in the city,there are many restaurants there looking for students and also check teh newspaper daily.  

  4. yes there are a lot of part time jobs, look in the west Australian paper

    also if you look in shop windows quite often you may see them advertise in the window for part time staff

  5. You can try the data entry, data conversion, CAD, transcription, freelance writing, software and other computer work at home jobs posted on the website . Software jobs will pay well and are easily available, if you are willing to spend some time learning web design, PHP and Java.

    All jobs are 100% free but you have to spend time applying for the jobs.  

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