
I am going to study in Santiago, Chile for 3 months. I will have $1500 US/a month for living. Is this fine?

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Rent is already paid for, the $1500 a month is what I will use just for cash. Will that be enough?




  1. lol Karim didnt get it, you will spend U$1500 per month, and if the rent is already payed, then its a very good amount of money.

    But also its important to know in what part of the city you will be, Santiago its a 6 million persons, the north-eastern its the more beautiful-expensive zone, then comes the center and the middle eastern zone and last the south, west and south-eastern, all places very cheap in comparison w/ the first side.

    For example the same meal in a restaurant can cost 60 bucs in the first zone and 30 bucs in the rest. But in general you will be great with that money amount.

  2. Santiago is a very expensive city. $1,500 a month (depending on how much rent you have to pay; if any) might not be enough. $1,500, if it will be used mainly for rent, food basic necessities and a splurge to two, can be more than enough for the short 3 months you will be there studying.

  3. Im from Santiago. It depends on what expensive is for you. Its true than its a little bit more expensive than other southamerican cities, but you will see its nicer as well. I guess on your basci needs you will spend around US500 on food and rent, so I guess you are ok, maybe a little tight. Anyways, if you get here and want to save time getting some good info, just contact me at 08-1597297 and I will give you some tips over the phone.

    take Care


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