
I am going to the US Virgin Islands (St. Thomas) and need some ideas for activities to do?

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Has anyone been to St. Thomas and has anything I should make sure I do while I am there?


Are there any good websites besides that will tell of any good day excursions?

(I want to visit the British Virgin Islands also)




  1. Use the ferry boat from the port in Charlotte Amelie to go (leave in morning) to St. John Island.  That about 45 min beautiful boat ride.  When returning, leave St. John and take the ferry boat back to RED HOOK instead of Charlotte.  It is about 15 minute trip.  Then take taxi back to town.  That way you get to see the length of most of the island from both the sea (when you go to St. John) and from land (when you take the taxi back from Red Hook).  Do not worry, there will be taxi's waiting at Red Hook, guareenteed.  The price for these two ways is pretty much a wash (equal).  And most importantly, you can stay on St. John until much later, perhaps 10 or 11pm and take ferry boat to Red Hook, but the LAST ferry back to Charlotte Amelie leaves about 3:30 in afternoon.  Who wants to leave that early??  Not me, you won't either.  St. John Cruz Bay is very small city, but a few neat shops, and of course, the most beautiful beaches in the world are there.  Take a taxi to Trunk Beach or Cinamon beach.  Wear swim suit, and bring towel and if you snorkle, you can bring that too, or you can rent that.  Note that if you travel "over" to the BVI, you will need your passport with you to get back in to USVI.  And money different there too.  St. John will be enough.  Too much trouble to go to BVI, what with passport and money exchange, etc.  Realize that BVI is is a different COUNTRY from the United States Virgin Island Territories.  Have fun.  Bring camera to St. John Beach of course, and YOU WILL NEED SUNBURN LOTION no matter what you think.   PS:  Skip St. Croix.  PPS:  Frenchman's Reef Marriot is better hotel than any on the island, hands down.  Switch to that hotel if possible.  You will be much happier.  Trust me.

  2. Here are a few links:

    Or contact tropic tours:

    Hope all this helps! ENJOY YOUR STAY and take plenty of pictures!

  3. You can take the ferry over to BVI or St John. Here is the ferry schedule. A must do is take the 20 minute ferry to St John. Visit Trunk Bay.

    We went on a boat excursion to the BVI and had a wonderful time. We visited the The Baths on Virgin Gorda.

    Here is a link to the charter company we used. New Horizon Charters.

    Others have posted some links and do check them out.

    Enjoy the Virgin islands and good luck)

  4. I would make sure you have a weapon, and stay in at night. The east end is one of the worst places you can stay. Go to St. John and stay there if you really have the urge to visit americas poor house!

  5. If you stay at the Wydham Sugar Bay, you really don't need to go anywhere, that Hotel has EVERYTHING! But if you want to do some other stuff, when I was there we took the fairy to St. John you HAVE to see Trunk Bay, and I mean you HAVE to see it, it's breath taking! And also I went deep sea fishing and that was fun, but yeah don't forget to go to Trunk Bay, I PROMISE you will not regret it! And it's not expensive for the fairy!

  6. Definitely go to the British Islands and Cruz Bay at St. John.  That is if you like bars and beaches.  They have the best their.  Soggy Dollar and Foxy's is a great trip.  Also take a taxi to a few of the beaches on St. John.

  7. I was there and I went to Coral World! Very fun and neat fish!

  8. We just came back from our wedding/honeymoon in St Thomas--best thing we could ever have done! I love the list another poster offered. My favorite thing we did was swim in Trunk Bay, St John. It was the most beautiful beach I've ever seen, and the snorkling is great!

    The place is wonderful overall! I'd like to recommend Craig and Sally's for a special dinner--it's in Frenchtown...probably not too far from where you're staying. They change their menu nightly.

  9. I gave this answer to someone recently and they seemed to like it, so I figured I'd repost.

    Here's my top ten list of things you absolutely must do when you visit:

    1. Stroll through and shop in historic downtown Charlotte Amalie.

    2. Visit the Coral World Marine Park

    3. Take a trip on the Paradise Point Sky Ride

    4. Swim in Magens Bay

    5. Take a ferry from Red Hook and visit St. John. While you're there check out the National Park, the Annaberg Plantation ruins and one of the historic nature trails.

    6. Check out The Greenhouse on a Friday Night. All the locals come out for calypso and soca music.

    7. If you don't mind spending a little extra, take a seaplane over to St. Croix.

    8. If St. Croix is too expensive, take a ferry to the British Virgin Islands.

    9. Check out the Wyndham Sugar Bay Resort for minigolf, bumper boats and video games.

    10. Visit the world famous Mountain Top for a great view and a banana daiquiri.

    Oh, and check out for our official tourism site.

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