
I am going to the bahamas on Saturday? What should I expect to do at the airport going there and coming back?

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I am going to the bahamas on Saturday? What should I expect to do at the airport going there and coming back?




  1. Arrive at the airport at least 2 hours before departure.

    Check in with an agent, show your passport, check your luggage. Go through security with your carry on, show your boarding pass and passport, take off your shoes and any metal that will not allow you to go through security.

    You are only allowed 3 ozs of liquid or gel (water, mouth wash, cream etc) that will fit in a quart size bag in your carry on. You can put larger quantities in your checked luggage. You are allowed one carry on bag and one personal item (computer, camera, purse etc)

    Once you arrive in the Bahamas you will go through immigration (show your passport)

    Returning same thing, arrive 2 hours before departure, check in, go through security and customs. They will give you a form to fill out on the plane for stuff you purchased in the Bahamas. If you go over the limit you will have pay a duty in the USA. (allowance $600 duty free each person) Bring a pen.

    That's it, very simple. Just follow the crowd. Good Luck and enjoy)

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