
I am going to visit spain on chistmas. what should i know in spanish to talk to people?

by Guest63524  |  earlier

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what are the most important spanish "phrases" to know when i go there?




  1. don't worry, they won't get what you say...

    and  if you don't talk spanish is very unlikely your are going to learn spanish in few days.

    don't stress  yourself, and  have a good one in spain, at least get a translator ecause nobody speaks  english,  it is easier to find english  speakers in mexico.


  2. It's important to realize that if you speak Spanish to them they will reply in Spanish and you probably will have no idea what they are saying. One thing to reply would be "más despacio por favor" (more slowly please). You pronounce despacio as des-path-io. Whatever you try to say just keep it very simple.

  3. donde esta el bano?

  4. For Monkeez...they don´t have Baños in  public places in Spain.  They have aseos, or servicios.  A Baño has  a shower and bath.  You find those in homes.

    And Marina didn´t learn very well at the knee of her papá.  Her spelling is completely off and the grammar isn´t much better.

    I have found that no matter where you go, there are a few phrases that are indespensible:

    Please                   Por favor

    Thank you              Gracias (if you want to sound authentic, it´s pronounced Grah thee ahs).

    You´re welcome   De nada

    Hello                      Hola, Buenos Días, Buenas Tardes (afternoon until sunset)  Buenas noches (almost always as a saying goodbye).

    So long                  Hasta Luego, Hasta la vista (the h is silent)

    How much?           ¿Cuánto cuesta?  

    and the numbers from one to ten

    uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.

    Where is....?          ÃƒÂ‚¿Dónde está?

    Also, Merry Christmas is Feliz Navidad.  (Not to be forgotten for the season.)

    ¡Buen viaje!

  5. Try this site it's great for beginners....

    Que le vaya bien.

  6. Feliz Navidad!

  7. buenas dias and yo  lo save un poqeuto espanole yo estavan origenale in estados unidos.good morning i understand only a bit of spanish im origionally from the united states. i think my dad taught me that bit.

  8. Hola, no hablo espanol.  Hablas ingles?  -Hello, I don't speak Spanish.  Do you speak English?

    And of course, Feliz Navidad!

    I wouldn't worry too much; when you're in Europe, you'll find that many people speak English.  And even if they don't, use hand gestures, and they'll be able to figure out what you're trying to say.

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